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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. i run it at 1024x768 its more fun with a tiny cross hair hehehe I never knew about the crosshairalpha business, i'll check that out in a bit. Have you tried reinstalling? or the steam forums? or siders he seems to know alot about all this malarky
  2. thats not funny just because its so fuc*ing daft
  3. i just split linked my old chain and stuck it round the gear that i liked on my big wheeled bike. Although i bought mine as a get around bike for £10. EDIT: ignore me. You said she needed to change the gear to another cog...my way will not work
  4. added you to steam tom. get yourself xfire and add me, godbarber is the name go in options, go to keyboard, click advanced, click both the boxes, then click ok. open up the console (click the button next to the 1, on the top left of your keyboard) type in "cl_crosshairscale 40000". This my friend will make your crosshair tiny, and give you mega aim. It isn't a cheat either. ps. go to the video options, and put your brightness level up to the full so you can see campers in dark spaces EDIT: Everytime you change your options, you will have to type ^^that^^ back into console (if you like it)
  5. it was rarther good, but is it not best of the internet
  6. Barbra

    Firefox Themes

    very suave janson i got mine from the official site
  7. and if it helps any at all, (like it will) i will attend the wedding don't know if i'd have a suit though probably just trousers shoes shirt and tie might be good to have that little bitch that we call dave to have a friend there hahaha
  8. remember that bloke the other day, in that convertable audi heres the jist of it the bloke: oi mate you dropped your seat down there dave: no its up your fat arse, and get a real f**king tan you retard (didn't say it loud enough to hear but still damn funny) me: oi mate you lost your roof, its trailing behind a lorry
  9. thanks for setting a great image of trials riders to the rest of the world. your such a hero. </sarcasm>
  10. ive been riding nearly a year without gloves, all the time without gloves! But i still get blisters Although they don't hurt me at all i just rip them off so, erm, i'm lucky, although i am going to purchase some gloves because i'm sliding off my grips in hot weather because i sweat like michael jackson in an orphinage (sp?)
  11. hmm, contact nadine (crazy_gap_girl on the forum) i'm sure she will share some convorsation with you about being a girl in trials. I'm sure you can pick up a good bike for £200 but you won't get anything top end. Mind, you won't want anything top end if your a beginner anyway Get yourself on rides, you will learn alot faster that way And make sure you get yourself known throughout the trials community Its good to get more ladies in trials, just shows how much the sport is progressing. EDIT: http://www.trialsqueens.com/ take a look around there
  12. well yea...just do what yoyoyo said, try not to look bothered and if you fear for your well being, i'd just say (and i think zoo will agree, and lego who live in stoke also) twat the most mouthy c**t there, because he's the "hard" one, and none of their mates will do jack shit, because you've just hit the leader of there little crew as it were. Fortuneately for me i know all the dick heads quite well around my area, which is rarther good. Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer So actually...your not a chav at all Let me guess you just like to wear the clothes? same here. Its not the clothes its the people they are. Although i do have track suits that match
  13. that is actually propa' G'hetto lol it'd do my head in not having a desk though that is actually propa' G'hetto lol it'd do my head in not having a desk though
  14. got my dad a big bottle of whisky
  15. works for me. I love this search function, i'd much rarther use that than the current search function.
  16. Exactly the same my friend!!! I love my black one...he's special
  17. counter strike: source battlefield 2 Both excellent games, i currently don't have bf2 installed but i'll get it done this week and get xfire sorted
  18. just testing your whit dan
  19. don't forget new pads plazmatic crm's are the way forward with a grind (which you can also buy from tarty)
  20. yeah...just count me in dan you lil biatch...you best get filming me...i'll show you how a real rider does his shiznit joking
  21. thats the one i was after MARK!!!! Mucho love my friend
  22. haha...Why is it people try to make themselves sound more intellegent to try and win an argument
  23. I swear joe gave me the evils I looked at his ashton and i looked up and he was there with a very serious look on his face staring at me...Joe! you had a look on your face that said "try and nick it you mug i'll show you what for behind them rocks " b t w ive grinded my rim # Ashley is the bee's knee's at the moment,
  24. i'd say its more like a 24" than anything...why buy it if its going to be more mod like or stock like, if that was the point then you might as well buy a mod/stock in the first place
  25. come on joe ride with one eye EDIT: I need to be going with either dan or amesbury because i'm a panzy and i don't get all this train station shit. So if neither of them go i won't be but i think amesbury still is and dan is goin to try
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