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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. oh... so it'll just say which train it is thats just pulled in and where its going on the screen? In that case i'll come the next ride
  2. i couldn't come because i had nobody to go on the train with or anything, because i don't understand the train system, My bb died yesterday early in the morning anyway so its a good job i didn't come. Next time i'll just buy a ticket and hope i get on the right train
  3. what is so bad about a few words at the end of a post. Barber - \/ \/ \/ raping me for ending my post with a sig
  4. my next door neighbor who's round here, who's rarther a computer geek, said that a few big companies in America are sueing them for it, for some reason i didn't really pay attention, i lose him in convorsations after a while but he says its a type of spyware. Its classed as an update but it doesn't do anything for the customer, just for microsoft.
  5. ive sorted the LINK for mr mike hardman EDIT: Really enjoyed that video. Those guys have such a good style. I loved the intro its quality, you really can do anything with pallets
  6. Barbra

    I Have A ?

    whats a headlock? :$ :$
  7. when you know he's a grumpy bugger and has nothing nice to say
  8. thats ace. "shit lets get the 'uck out of ere, orate boss?"
  9. no you can't stay away its a direct link to male porn. BAN BAN BAN!!! its not my fault, at least i had the initiative to think about trying to make my computer the breast it could be. ps i meant to put breast
  10. are you on about tomm or me because no ones added me apparently, oh dear this thread is a balls up
  11. have i just totally owned myself or something oh golly gosh lol.
  12. how the hell can someone just do that and not die. My body would just give in and say screw you willy you shouldn't throw me at concrete. I bet he carries on a biking. Like a real man should
  13. Barbra

    Sidehop Help

    i always go the right when i sidehop i'm ok for landing on walls, i just can't sidehop very high only ever done 3 pallets ok thats really gay now i think about it, i'm trying 4 and 5 pallets tomorrow
  14. that was beckham and i think he shouted "lets f*cking give it to em lads!" we need to beat portugal this year. I'm praying for England now.
  15. yesterday my dad was going mad because someone lost the screwdriver he needs, when he does the fuses in the electric box thingy. Then about 4 hours later when we was playing on the xbox, my dog strolled through the back door with it in her mouth coincidence.......i think not doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo
  16. i sidehoped a wall earlier, didn't go my way fell onto the wall, no worries, but then i carried on falling and i rolled backwards off the wall and my arse landed in a big heap of dog shit, then i got a pinch flat trying a gap on the way home
  17. the first ever group ride i went on. To birmingham. Tunni was there. And Amesbury when he said "give it some beans you bitch" just made me laugh. aahhh good times lol
  18. v. nice bike mate. In the summer i could sure as hell get to stafford if your up for a ride, and if thats where you are i'm sure i can get there by bus from stoke.
  19. i arn't having problems i was just doing a bit of maintainance on my computer. Its already all cleaned out, defragged, de-spywared and de-virused. Couldn't think of any correct terms there Aye i just thought if i did have a problem i might as well sort it now. I wasn't entirely sure what it was all about which is another reason why i posted.
  20. oooooohhhh thats what its all about, i'm such a mong. My card hasn't ever been overclocked so its ok then
  21. awww damn i was about to reinstall bf2 then get xfire sorted out again so i could play again. I was just going to do a bit of maintainance on the card if i could of. Oh well. Thanks for the help anyway i'm still going to install though
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