how the hell do you meet girls when your 15? They're all immature f**kers and if you try to strike a convo/break the ice whatever you wanna call it they're just prickish about it
a simple one. Whenever i try to save a bookmark it doesn't let me, i'm clicking ok but nothing happens the box just stays there. Does anybody have a solution to this problem?
do emo girls only go for emo guys? ive never seen an emo girl with a non emo guy. Probably so they can have a crying partner or something but could somebody please tell me. ps. didn't mean to touch a nerve of anyone then, just a childish joke.
amazing vid mate keep it up. only thing is you shouldn't have compressed the vid so much. should've been like 28 - 32mb then the quality would've been muchos better. Unless its your actual camera, in that case buy a new one you know you want to
look at Dave loving all the praise he's getting Yea they're a really up to scratch shop. I ALWAYS order from there. The only thing i havn't ordered for my bike from their is my frame, which was not for sale there otherwise i would've
i forgotten the link but you can get a zen micro for £60 off an ebay shop. they're 6gb i thought that was well worth it but i don't have that ammount of moneys. EDIT: whoops ignore me i'm a twat. Just read your post correctly.