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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. downloading will edit when done... EDIT: I wheely liked that video, some nice origional lines, i liked the filming at the begginning too. All in all a v. good promo vid there, keep it up
  2. ive never sleepwalked but i always talk in my sleep. The only one i can remember is i was on about something to do with hitler and an apple tree
  3. i may attend. I just need Dan to get on msn the big fat slag
  4. I go to school at Berry Hill, Their idea of teaching English is giving us a Mr. Men book to read
  5. not many of us can read german
  6. Well actually... ...nar i'll let you work it out
  7. you'd think wrong ive had both these frames, and the difference is unbelieveable. I got fairly good on the t-mag, but once i got my zip i couldn't believe how easier everything was, this frame feels perfect for me. The only thing thats suffered is rear wheeling things, but i think i'm back to normal on that front. Since your a tall guy the wheelbase would be helpfull as well (1045mm). I'd definately make the change. P.S Your point still stands though JT
  8. I've added you too mike
  9. i put a dent in mine where the top bash plate bolt goes and i barely hit the wall i was on. If i had of hit it with force it'd of probably cracked all the way round and my frame would of been shagged. Seriously just use your t - pro.
  10. i'd be chuck norris or bam margera.
  11. oooo yay ive listened to this diamond geeza, is great I really want to go to sensation black/white. But i'm not 18, or look 18 Whats the difference between the two whoever has actually been? Mike i like the songs that you suggested. Fancy adding me to msn and sending me some stuff you've done? if any of it is on your pc that is.
  12. Barbra

    Emo Girls

    even the fat ones this lad has power
  13. you don't like lasgo would of been a more realistic comment. You can't say an artist is shit because you don't like them. I don't like opera doesn't mean they don't have talent.
  14. Barbra

    Bee Hive.

    Tame them and turn them all into your little minions that do whatever you say. With your wasps and my brains we could take over the world!!! mwahahaha mwahahahah.
  15. speak to zoo! he bought one of these a while back he should be able to tell you what its like.
  16. your so gay like 36% but i love you
  17. downloading now mistor daniel kearns. will edit when done. EDIT: that guys is getting rarther good now! I agree with dave though the song was annoying, awsome riding though. Keep it up.
  18. i totally agree with that. My dad taught me how to pop, lock and do the robot and stuff. So i only like things you can actually dance to rarther than music that just gives you a heart attack.
  19. i used to have LOADS. but i can never remember there names lol. Darude Barthezz Lasgo Robert Miller Tom Harding (if you can actually find any of his music please msn it to me.) They are a few good 'ens, i'll try and think up some more.
  20. 3 more years oh for shit sake. i don't want to wait that long... for a rusty corsa!!!!!
  21. i had one. Buy a t-pro and use the rest of the cash to get new forks or something. I wish i'd of done that when buying a first bike.
  22. steve hamilton Not too sure if this has been posted already. But after watching this guy on road fools i'm in love with him lol. He really makes me want a bmx.
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