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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Barbra

    New Bmx Video.

    Even though i'd seen it all before, i still loved it, you never cease to amaze me. Where do you usually ride? i'm guessing liverpool but i thought i'd ask. I'd like to ride with someone who already does bmx to teach me all the basics when i eventually get one (it'll be after chrimbo like). It doesn't cost much for me to get to liverpool. Like a 10er i think. obviously only if you want a newb around you in that case say. RACK ORF BARBER YOU FAT SLAG GO SMELL you MUM!!
  2. not trying to offend but that makes me feel so lucky, i did exactly the same thing but obviously without the hitting of jaw and i didn't hit my head, oh and it was raining when i did it. RIP
  3. When i said you were after a mod i was refering to the fella that said get the simtra.
  4. ive not been on here and checked personally but ive always used www.cheatindex.com
  5. A Horse walks in to a bar the bartender says "why the long face?" A bear walks into a bar he orders a pint of larger..................................and a packet of crisps, the bartender says why the big paws?"
  6. "Doctor doctor i feel like a pair of curtains!" the doctor replies "pull yourself together man" "Doctor doctor i only have 59 seconds to live!" The doctor replies "Wait a minute" Back in primary they made me laugh. Good ol' days
  7. yea it takes a shit load of polishing to get it quite shiny. Wait till you see my forks tomorrow you fat slag.
  8. if you ever saw the bottom of his down tube and how fat he is, you will realise that this frame is immensely strong. I'd say get one
  9. i thought he was after a mod?
  10. you could always get evo mounts for it though
  11. stupidly sized, it was like 2ft max. That my young sir is not big enough to be the picture on an ID card We have msn stop turning this topic into it
  12. You stood on your pedal and it broke the other day Tis gonna be mint isn't it, don't forget your ID Smell your mum later, i mean see you later EDIT: Trying to get my imageshack sorted so i can get biggerer pics now
  13. well i know nothing about motorbikes, other than being able to ride them, i'd rarther a 250 as well. I like them big as well, wow that sounded so damn wrong. I need to go bed
  14. ive got to get daddy to buy me one too That bike looks ace. Looks like an awsome day i wish i could've gone
  15. What strings should i buy? and where should i buy from? thanks for the help you've all given me
  16. he added me to msn ages ago, because i was gonna ride with him ages ago, but i never did till i saw you and him coming back from notts. I might be coming if i can get a bit more cash, or proof of my age so i can get on for 5 - 15 fair. EDIT: added you to msn, i'm defo coming now!!!
  17. poopipe just made legend status by saying "kick her in the tits" didn't he
  18. if i had a bit more money i'd of come, plus i bent my rotor earlier by falling off. So now i'm front brakeless Beau do you know where Tom Baszo got his rotor from? It's well good
  19. Dibs on TO55ER We should do a huge petition! Just for the damn fun of it!
  20. Theres the working link. for anybody about to reply that the origional doesn't work. Edit your first post and put all the links in that one mate obviously without the broke one.
  21. glad someone enjoys my humour Meh two posts in the same thread i might as well post one thats on topic. I'd say just do it, don't think about it just go for it, from now on thats what i'm doing.
  22. the one you said was a ford is a lotus. Well good pics, the mini looks absoloutely gorgeous, i'd love to go to a hillclimb.
  23. i only just got round to getting my guitar sorted. I found out that its an acoustic guitar that was brought from argos So i was wondering if anything is good enough to start with? e.g an acoustic guitar from argos or is there anything specific that is good to start off with? If i need something else i would much rarther start off with an electric guitar. P.S THREAD RESURECTION!
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