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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. it all depends on how long they were going out with their ex for and how much they were in 'love' with that person. No offence but your probably her rebound lad and i doubt it will work out as it rarely does. But it may do for you
  2. Barbra


    he's 15. There isn't really an age to decide what you want to do with your body if you ask me, but if you could have a tattoo at any age you'd probably have an action man or something lol
  3. a little bit more information would be helpful. From what a drop, a gap, a sidehop, a backflip superman seatgrab barrel roll.
  4. on second thought, ray mears would pwn them all ennit blad! Or gingers ive heard they're fierce or it might be because no one will go near them. Don't slate me
  5. am i missing something. I thought his name was james. My names more interesting, Hu Ja Nickabollockov.
  6. i'd say either shoalin monks, ninja's or that guy off mind body and kick ass moves who punches himself in the face and stuff Or the guy off mind body and kick as moves who can suck his balls up inside himself.
  7. mega upload doesn't agree with me, better server polease.
  8. this is a forum not robot wars, sheesh.
  9. 'sometimes i think i should join the army...but what happens if i get lag out there!? i'm screwed!' I may join the army, i'm very undecided though, either an engineer or IT/Comms or something, i don't think i'd join till i was 18 though.
  10. i thought long and hard and couldn't come up with anything half decent. "if you can find my saddle i'll give you a go of my bike" "your knife doesn't scare me, willy" "whats a wheelie?" "WD40 ***" Wowwww i suck. My first is probably my best. I'm so unimaginative, ok that must be spelt wrong if its even a word.
  11. i saw this site advertised on someones bike at ymsa haha. Then everyone going on about it. Will take a look now. Quite like it, nice and simple, some mega pictures, and that bench in the random pictures is quality.
  12. aint reading all, so if posted shh only one Big erection - (daddy) i found that one quite funny myself.
  13. The way he is posting, its as if he's just really trying his hardest to get his name in black. He's trying to correct the other guy, by saying he should put "in your opinion..." I rarely see anybody type that before their post in trials chat never mind new members. As for the rails, i don't really do them, they scare the shit out of me.
  14. 50 cent, if u dis it i will get da boyz round. Sorry if i didn't use text talk correctly i'm not used to it I like too much stuff and i can't be arsed to list it all. So i will just post whats on right now. Apollo 440 - stop the rock.
  15. mega video! make a longer one, and pull your trousers up!
  16. Barbra

    W810i Phones.

    my mams got one, absoloutely amazing phones, soon as her contract runs out its mine...allll mine I think you should buy it, such amazing phones.
  17. looking good mr daniel. Whats the weird spot on your downtube is it reflection from something?
  18. around £200 i'd say. Its £395 from tarty so...
  19. hahahahahahahaha danny kearns is going to be so bitter that you got your bike done and posted up before him lol. nice one, for people that don't know (the vast majority) he's gone for the stealth sort of look
  20. neither of us got it though. Pissing bluey got it
  21. hahahahahaha that didn't come out right stupid pc, meant to say love your pictures. I'll leave it up so you all see my horrific mistake.
  22. downloading will edit when done. Stupidly enough i want it to rain even more stupidly enough i want to go back school, probably because i know it'll be my last term and then i leave looked fun i like vids with no music and minor editing, i want it rain now. next time it does i'm going out riding.
  23. I think if i rode with people like Danny Butler and Tom amesbury alot more then i would be alot better for the time ive been riding, they usually give me tips on my technique when i'm out riding and it does help alot. Although admittidly if i hadn't of rode with any of them at all, i would be utter tripe on a bike, i always ride with my mate Dave which i believe makes us both ride better, because we will both try something and one of us needs to get it before the other . Then when one of us does eventually get whatever it is were trying to do the other needs to do it to match the other. (wow headache ) Like me and Mr. Daniel Kearns the other week trying to rear wheel this wall in my home town, both of us were getting close, but it was like a competition So basically without other people to ride with your going to take ages to devalop the correct technique for any move that your trying to do, and the more people you ride with the faster your going to learn, or not so much the more people you ride with, its the more experienced riders that you ride with that will help you learn and get the correct technique. Hmmm my longest post yet?
  24. dumbden yourself down a bit then tell me again please lol. I didn't really understand that Yes i did mean to spell dumbden like that
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