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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. stop brown nosing it wasn't even funny.
  2. thats how he talks to the little guy down his trousers as well joking love you dan. As for the video i really like it, very swish, i wasn't too keane on the music but hey each to their own i guess. Oh and why isn't this kid validated
  3. nah it won't. Dave (zoo!) could wank, then stop for a few minutes then go again. And carry on in that sort of cycle lol.
  4. nobody wants to give me a bmx
  5. havn't ridden me for ages, quite tight really
  6. i never ride on my own really. If i intend to ride on my own, i'll ride my home town for like an hour or so, then when i end up at the skateplaza, i just start talking to bmxers that are there. (the ones that arn't willy obviously). Not a dig at all bmx'ers but the majority of the ones up here are so far up their own arse they wouldn't dream of riding/talking to someone who hasn't got a seat on their bike.
  7. depends where you come from JT Round here they're considered chav bikes. As chavs are always seen on them aroond these parts.
  8. that guy is mad. You wouldn't think much of him if you saw him walking down the street lol. He's an amazing fighter. By any chance did you search for 'fights'
  9. mega pixs youth!! P.S listen to dan. Get your arse down here pronto!
  10. i wish i'd never of quit kung fu now i started when i was 9 did it for 2 years nearly then quit. I'd of been a pretty dangerous chap by now if i'd of carried it on. I may see if i could learn muay tai, but i'd rarther go to somewhere that is a proper trainer for it if you know what i mean. "things that make you go, hmmmm"
  11. me too wow perhaps you shoud give this search malarky a try, it may work.
  12. whats the difference between a pakkie and a bucket of shit? The bucket.
  13. how was it your phone when you could put it on the floor like you did Anywhom, v good vid for the time you've been riding, keep it up matey.
  14. you just going to keep bumping it This really does need to be stickied.
  15. somebody give a cheap skate like me a bmx.
  16. consider yourself backed up, take the drive side crank of, hammer and screwdriver, hit it anti clockwise baby!
  17. i'm going to break the rules and say pineapple juice wins
  18. 50 first erections (dates) ong erection (bak) ok that wasn't so good erection at the gates (enemy) black erection down (hawk)
  19. they did its called new members chat. Aside from the fact that you can post any topic you want in new members (to a certain degree) and apart from fs/wtd section, good post. EDIT: I don't believe this is a free country at all, the only place where you have freedom is the interent, and thats sadly coming to an end as well. (wasn't aiming at this forum guys love you all lol)
  20. someone mentioned, dance fighting which is actually called capoeira. A friend of mine used to do all sorts of martial arts and others . Ive done kung fu, kickboxing and a bit of taekwondo. I was only young and didn't really stick at it I really wish i had of now though. EDIT:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8514518157668120764 Even though it does look like its from a film or a promotional video for something, or something like that. You can see both guys have real talent.
  21. Barbra


    ^^^ thats f**king awsome Dave get some ideas in your head, gather up loads of money and come with me and my dad on my next birthday
  22. you've drunk weak piss robinson's ***!!!
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