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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. saturday 16th definately. EDIT: meet at the gap outside the station yar? at say 11. Please wait for me (tom you've seen me you know what i look like) because usually my train there is like 5 -10 mins late so i'll be there like 11:05ish
  2. thats 430 new songs for me. I think that pushes me over the 2000 mark I'm very tired and didn't download as many as i could of. Going to look down the second page of this topic tomorrow and see what else i can get.
  3. happy birthday you big slag. Ride with you soon gorgeous lol.
  4. Barbra


    Mr Parker? I'll say tomorrow, i'm too tired.
  5. its either red at the back and fades into pink. Or its the lighting and its one or the other all over
  6. If you seriously have/do slit your wrists could you please tell me why? Welcome to the forum, its best off you give more information in your posts in future, ie; where you live, what you ride, how long you've been riding, why you got into trials etc etc. You get the point. If you really give your posts some real effort then you should be validated in no time. (something which i didn't do ) took me a few 150ish posts to get validated lol.
  7. i'd say get the echo to be honest. Echo stem with zoo bars is the shiz. I've ridden someones python with these on, IT feels great compared to my zona's front end. I have a zoo stem and zoo bars. We both have the same forks as well so obviously its the stem thats making the difference. Plus monty stuff is overpriced.
  8. eengogledingongdangledeedoodarday it please
  9. if it stays as the date that kyle suggested then i'll probably make an appearence
  10. Neither is 'LOL' its an acronym lol couldn't help myself As plenty of other people have said, i just thought i'd emphasize the point. Get the onza!
  11. noice mate was some of that filmed when i didn't come out the other day lol?
  12. Can't go now no moneys. Need to fix the bike.
  13. i'm gonna see if i can get some khaki gear together then As a child i wouldn't eat my tea unless i was watching good ol' steve.
  14. mine dented there v' slightly. Mines hardly nout though I still need to sell that actually At least now you get a better frame eh?
  15. was good that. As if you just spent money on doing the frame 'n' sh*t and you've already sold out Anywhom, at least now i get to have ago of a 07 python eh? Dan kearns' fix to any broke bike = kick the sh*t out of it much love.
  16. Barbra


    i play css and bf2 usually. Occaisionally i'll go on WoW.
  17. d/l'ing edit when done mate. EDIT: Really enjoyed that video. The only thing i didn't like was the music, it took too long to kick in, and didn't really go with the video until it did kick in. Very good effort sir
  18. bungie jumps are real scary, i did one off a crain in turkey lol. Good one for that lads, If i wasn't so skint i'd also donate.
  19. i don't know paul but that is gosh darn funny wonder if anyone can top this?
  20. i'm not going to click it. It says piczo and i really hate piczo sites.
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