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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. only car ive driven is a micra that one of the local chavs brought for £30, he's sort of kind of a bit of a friend. He can't reverse so i drove it to another street for him and parked it up so yea that'll be my favorite as its the only one ive driven. But i must say it was rarther shite.
  2. who are you sticking your finger up to? This threads cool...i want to be 18
  3. mint you learn something new everyday!
  4. link to his homepage! Truly awsome photo's on that site. And i envy you so much having the opportunity to ride with Ryan Leech! P.S What camera do you use?
  5. i much prefer the search button at the top of the page.
  6. ive been thinking about cams as well, if i knew where to drill the hole on my frame then i'd do it, taper them and use them. Gosh, don't chain tugs suck. If someone could shed some light onto where i should drill my holes that would be cool?
  7. There still will be riots no matter which countries legal system has sentenced him to death, people always find something to riot about, and i seriously doubt that iraqi's like the British or Americans, just as alot of people don't like immigrants in this country. So British/American troops are the easiest targets. I do agree with you there, not in the sense that we should shoot the shit out of the ships, waste of bullets and metal that they're shooting through. We should stop bending over backwards for them though. The ones that say they have come to this country for a 'better life' are just bullshitters, they've moved to this country so they can exploit it, no other country would have it, but us we are to lenient about this sort of shit. Think about all the money we have already spent on them. I live pretty close to shelton, and they were the first to get all these nicely paved speed bumps, and perfectly tarmaced pavements. Then there's the way that they protest to our countries rules about wearing their vales when taking photo's for passports etc. If it were me that was PM i'd tell them to get f**ked if they want to live in this country they should bloody well live by our rules. rant over.
  8. i prefer street. Although sometimes a nice little break for natural is cool.
  9. for me lately its 48p big bar of milk chocolate from Netto Its too nice.
  10. My dads getting it for the 360 i didn't know that it was out for pc though! I might have to buy it and whoop ass on pc How much is it? and can you use pads for pc? (I can't play driving games without a pad)
  11. awww he's 9 or could be 10 dependent on when his birthday is
  12. the guy has already explained that he has cut slots out so he can move it up and down in the mounts. You just can't see it from the pic because he drilled them holes to make sure it fitted.
  13. we may be talking out our arses, but at least our arses can spell. Sounds like your talking out your phone to me. Ive owned a t-mag and a zona zip, so its fair to say that the zona wins all the way. The only thing i liked about the t mag was how flicky it was, but like hell i'd pass up a zona just for a bit of flickiness, i'd rarther put more effort in. Kind of like the effort CC12345678910 should be putting into his posts
  14. come on fool where the hell is this place?!?! lol looks like an amazing place to ride.
  15. 1 year and i'm shit lol. Its all about the fun baby
  16. were going to torture little children
  17. i wish i had enough money to say 900 squids wasn't much EDIT: Very nice bike as well
  18. this or schindler's list...hmm i think i'll watch it, got schindler's list on dvd anyway thanks for the reminder
  19. if it didn't cost me £33 return i'd be there Everyone who goes have a good time though.
  20. Barbra

    Tai Chi

    mind over matter works for me, like if i get in an absoloutely boiling bath, that i can barely put my toes in, i'll just close my eyes and tell myself its not hot, and it works. Same as if i put my hand over a lighter or any open flame. Not tried some options though, flamethrower etc
  21. he didn't seem bothered i bet he hopped home and shouted to his mum "mum get the car started ive broke my ankle again"
  22. the bit that made me chuckle is the "we will be riding all the time" Although it does seem that you've used this 'i'm excited about my new parts' topic as a cover up to try and flog your t - pro.
  23. Barbra

    Tai Chi

    Tai Chi isn't fighting though is it? Its something about moving energy from the earth and the sky through your body, and it can create 'hard points' on your body, thats why these shaolin monks don't get killed when a sword is taken to their stomache because they use Chi to harden their stomache.
  24. was just about to say that my man! It was rarther good, Jamie bestwick is a mad man
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