i hate all the course work and naging teachers. i'm predicted English - B Science - more gnvq shite thats worth 4 gces Maths - C BTEC engineering - diploma (equivelant to four gcse's) DiDa (IT) - dunno what it is, but its worth four gcse's RE. Already have a C for that but got another exam for it - predicted B RE has got to be the easiest subject ever, as long as you understand the christian view to a question, and you can justify your opinion on the question, for every question, thats all you'll need. EDIT: Speaking of RE i got in trouble and sent out the classroom, because of my views on religion. The teacher had ago at me for sharing my opinion, in an open class descusion, about how i feel that religion was only ever made to control people. Then we moved on to illegal immigration, which we also had completely different views on. To shorten it i said if they want to come to our country for a better life they should live by our rules. But they don't they come to take advantage of the country. And she replied with get out. BITCH! night all.