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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. lol he'll get round to it....i hope
  2. i really like that. It'd look better if the black boarder thing wasn't so far in the image, and just filled the edge if you know what i mean? its reet EDIT: LOVE the barcode at the bottom right
  3. netto chocolate and netto cookies! chocoloate - 48p for a huge bar full pack of choc chip cookies (with a hell of alot of choc chips) 29p YUMMY!
  4. If she fell over with that in her mouth it could be worse!
  5. link! Read that and discuss. I don't see how this could work but jesus if it does we'll be going back in time and all sorts, or we could be dying
  6. so how many people have added you to msn so far? these pics are too funny lol.
  7. Barbra

    Danny Holroyd Vid

    i enjoyed it! whats the song, anyone know?
  8. i hate all the course work and naging teachers. i'm predicted English - B Science - more gnvq shite thats worth 4 gces Maths - C BTEC engineering - diploma (equivelant to four gcse's) DiDa (IT) - dunno what it is, but its worth four gcse's RE. Already have a C for that but got another exam for it - predicted B RE has got to be the easiest subject ever, as long as you understand the christian view to a question, and you can justify your opinion on the question, for every question, thats all you'll need. EDIT: Speaking of RE i got in trouble and sent out the classroom, because of my views on religion. The teacher had ago at me for sharing my opinion, in an open class descusion, about how i feel that religion was only ever made to control people. Then we moved on to illegal immigration, which we also had completely different views on. To shorten it i said if they want to come to our country for a better life they should live by our rules. But they don't they come to take advantage of the country. And she replied with get out. BITCH! night all.
  9. the music was tripe. Other than that it made a good video
  10. Its all sound now i used dvd decrypter Thank you all xx.
  11. get a girlfriend, and get fit probably. Ride a shit load more! Hopefully on a bmx (but we'll see)
  12. I don't think you can just swap frames with the da bomb school mate. I know you will at least need to change the rear wheel. Along with other things. (i can't remember much about the da bomb school me and a mate learned on) sorry.
  13. loved the trailer, don't know why i hadn't seen it before now! Once i get some cash i'm buying for definate!
  14. next year in january, i think i'm in Ireland visiting family. If i can take my bike ill sure as hell come for a ride. Minto pictures!
  15. congrats on fast reply! I'll try it now...
  16. when will new members learn that new members chat DOESN'T have to be bike related.
  17. Well basically, i'm not very good at doing all this sort of stuff, so i'd like a program where i could, put a disc in, click copy dvd to HD, and thats the end of it. Or if someone could give me a program that could do it, even if its more complicated and explain it to me? cheers for any help!
  18. should've locked it up really. Unlucky though, always hard to hear.
  19. Barbra


    i don't think it would work that well on this forum to be honest, i think it would be a bit of a waste, as not many people from other countries are on this forum. Most Americans sort out rides on OTN, twas a good thought though.
  20. find the cheapest giro that looks good/not tacky. Thats my advice, i'd say its pretty sound?
  21. if you come down, come down stoke, and i'll ride hanley/newcastle
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