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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    Looking at your suggestions and some bikes, ive decided that i like: the KHE. Link the WTP phoenix pro and the WTP 4 seasons Couple more questions and i'm done. Having ridden a WTP phoenix and a 4 seasons i know that both of them are good. But are they much better than the KHE? Also does anybody know how the KHE rides? And is the phoenix actually worth that £50 more than the 4 seasons? i know poopipe said that because of the cranks, but would it be worth me paying that extra £50?
  2. depends what your into really, or what your girlfriend likes. I enjoyed the imperial war museum (i probably spelt imperial wrong, but its early) I found the London eye boring, not worth the money/wait to get on. Make sure the both of you see the hotel bed
  3. Mint, good for Neil! and the sport. Now, lets try get another rider on his next show
  4. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    i don't really know much about bmx parts, so when you say spec, alls i'm gonna be looking for is 3pc cranks and a chromo frame, and forks, so if i do have any questions about the different specs, i'll post up here. I only chose winstanleys to link up on here because its the only shop that i found with a wide variety of bikes on I've heard its a bad place to order from. Thanks all EDIT: Also whats the difference between a USA and Spanish bottom bracket? Which is better and why? EDIT EDIT: Could somebody also give me a more reliable website, which sells the phoenix pro on? Still looking for suggestions though thanks again
  5. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    could somebody take some time, and have a look through here and just see which bike would be best for me, i should have around £500 to spend, i want at least a back brake, because me without a brake is just death. I could probably stretch a bit more money but thats probably all i'm getting. Preferbly somebody, that knows a fair amount about bmx's, i know that bongo, poopipe, and OBM know there stuff. Thank you, please.
  6. he's a big friendly mole, i have to love him EDIT: i love bhups too, because i'm friendly
  7. when i read that i thought there was a fight.... as if the guy had broke his wrist by smacking the kid in the jaw lol.
  8. Whenever i click on a page on trials forum it takes 22 seconds + to come up, every time! Whereas it used to only take like 3-6 seconds, and its really annoying. Is it a problem with the server, or is it something i can fix? please help
  9. Barbra

    Neil Tunni Vid!

    rail gap was a bit large! wheel and the guys t-shirt doesn't fit him at the end
  10. ive had ago of butlers limey and my mate liams pitbull. And to be honest if you ask me they're both evenly matched. But if i were to buy one or the other i'd be buying a zoo pitbull
  11. i'm stupid, i don't wear one, although this is partly because my mum n dad don't have any money. But i think i'm gonna buy one, some time soon. I'm thankfully good at saving myself off falls even if unexpected, one day one of them will get me though. Oh and the helmet i have, is a pisspot bell type, that makes my head itch like crazy because i get too hot, ride shit get annoyed ride even worse and get shindigs all the time. I rode in a 'common' type helmet for about 2 weeks, until i went ymsa, i cracked it beastily there. Rocks don't like me is my conclusion!
  12. sounds good.. not for me because i'm lazy, sounds perfect for someone that does alot of comps though
  13. well question is in the title. its a fuji finepix 6900zoom two batteries charger 2 memory cards Carry case all books included My dad was wanting to sell the camera tomorrow, but i told him i'd ask on here how much he should be looking for so he doesn't get ripped off. Thanks.
  14. downloading now thank you almighty who uploaded to the betterer server.
  15. usually opposite colours that 'contrast' i think is the word are best. So black with white, would look forking hot if done right!
  16. i'll go fancy dress providing someone bloody comes with me!!!! please will no one leave from stoke with me
  17. if theres anyone leaving from stoke station i will come! as a full blown chav not much change then :$ lol joke.
  18. i suppose it could be to do with weather, autum, leaves fall weather starts to become bad. Meh still a mint photo!
  19. I can actually type the correct spelling for words faster than i can type text talk. Although most of the time my punctuation and grammar and stuff isn't usually amazing, at least you can read what i am typing. Touch type for the win!
  20. i don't know where you lot live. But my god around here there isn't just gonna be one person if they try to steal your bike. Theres at least a 4:1 ratio, then when they have your bike they will run into a bigger crowd of chavs, so really you'd have no hope. Just act confident, just say no mate its being dodgey sorry then ride off. Its worked for me so far.
  21. 2 spokes and chains. In one year silky smooth? or just don't ride much. although i ave broke a bottom bracket, and a hub.
  22. fixed link for you buddy, welcome EDIT: ok so now yours works weird lol
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