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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. First impressions, its piczo. A template, which is shite to be quite honest. Your obviously a creative person (as you have actually made an attempt to create a website) But if your going to do it i suggest you design it yourself matey, purchase or aquire dreamweaver from a different source, find a tutorial off google and your away. I may actually make a website myself....hmmm, wish i didn't uninstall my dreamweaver now
  2. i like partz, i can't say i love him because i don't know him. But over the forum he doesn't have much bad to say about people (unless they deserve it)
  3. Thats because of all that shit you drink I don't mind going to parties providing i'm there with people i know, sometimes i get daring and actually talk to the other people there. Hey we can't all be like joe
  4. its that kind of attitude that kills people, imagine, if you thought you'd be fine, you got half way up your street and you killed your own mother/brother/sister/dad whoever is close to you. Imagine the pain you and your family would feel, its the same as if you kill somebody from somebody elses family, and if you need to drink to have fun that just makes you even more of a twat, i hope you don't die/crash because that would be shit. Just don't do it simple as, there will be other parties but theres only one of you.
  5. don't spend the extra 7 - 8 quidish and just buy some onza citrus. THE best pads ive used, better than the crm's i had on the bike before them
  6. i did have the latest version, but once i reinstalled it seems to be working. Thanks Danny
  7. whenever i click the firefox link, nothing happens, even if i go to the mozilla firefox directory in program files, still nothing happens.. I'm thinking i need to reinstall it but anybody that can sort it without me having to reinstall please help. FIXED! Also whenever i go into my computer and click a folder, it always comes up with a column at the side which is basically a search engine (but for my computer) if you know what i mean. So i have to search then trail through a bunch of folders to find what i'm after.FIXED! Any help appreciated. EDIT: May as well give you a css problem as well, whenever i'm playing the game i always get pop ups, i never used to its only recently, also recently all the servers that used to be VAC secure (which i always play on) arn't any more. The pop ups usually occure when the map is changing.
  8. riding with my friend who also doesn't have a life tomorrow. So probably just stay at wom with ma and pa and have a couple of beers.
  9. for people that said, they're the same as magura's. I bet its rarther difficult to change the design a shit load isn't it really?
  10. this was just the easy way out for him. willy
  11. i tanked 8ft, but i can do 6ft smooth now
  12. i tanked 8ft, but i can do 6ft smooth now
  13. 1 finger on the back, 1 finger on the front.
  14. Using firefox, like i always have, all the pages, apart from the "add reply" page take 0.600 or below to come up on my screen, and the avatar uploader seems to work a hell of alot faster/better. The skin i think looks alot better also, the only thing i'd prefer is if the add reply box, the area that surrounds where you type your reply should be grey the same as the rest of the skin. All in all a good job boys!
  15. i was using them on a dead grind with a bit of tar, i now run onza citrus pads (currently with no tar) and they are a shit shade better than crm's GET SOME! Squeeky brakes arn't shit at all, if they make a squark/squeek/noise in general thats a plus/minus (depending on the rider) its what pads, how your brake is setup, and if you run a grind that will make a difference.
  16. i watched x games not long ago and scotty cranmer was amazing! Two no handed front flips, and a double tailwhip to tyre tap Some scary shit to watch EDIT Link found the vid
  17. Barbra

    Poo Poll

    gotta love wet shit, the ones that fly out your arse so fast the water splashes your bum.
  18. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    you forget that ive already ridden that bike Is alansbmx any better than winstanleys then? I noticed that you thought it wasn't a good idea dropping £500 into winstanleys account
  19. Barbra

    Poo Poll

    i chose chunky, because i like to try and one up myself every time i have a shit by going bigger each shite
  20. Spongebob on jellywatch ***!!!!!! EDIT: i'm on about onza kierons pic
  21. he's not in pain he's pissed off.
  22. [attachmentid=9027] Tis me, a fair few months ago though EDIT: Webcam pic, so it sucks
  23. having played ALL of them, i would say xbox 360 by a longshot, they are absoloutely amazing consoles, Well worth it.
  24. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    lol unlucky mark! And, thanks poopipe you've been a great help. Think i'll go for the WTP then, i can't afford to replace parts as much as i'd like to.
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