it was when i was about 12 i saw some guys riding through stoke, and i saw someone do a 6ft drop and i was amazed, in my amazment i rushed home and asked my mum and dad if i could have one but they said no, then two years later me and my friend saw an MAD trials show in a park near me, again i asked my mum and dad if i could have one, and again they said no. So me and dave rode this little 6 year old mountain bike pretending to do trials, till my mate got a da bomb school, we both learnt on that, untill one day when i was 14 my mum and dad brought me a onza t-mag, i was so chuffed. my trials story </cry> EDIT: oh and the slap, you want try dropping 4ft, but a newbie one where you go really far out of the drop and forget to press your brake i sounded like a cow when i did that, that was when i first started trials properly