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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. i'd rarther take the risk of riding trials brakless, with leavers that price, eesh.
  2. That sir, is quite possibly the most idiotic thing i've heard today. Everybody, no matter where your from will use slang etc but that doesn't mean to say you spell the same. I've even heard people using acronims in real life.
  3. that bike is too nice, 'the sex' IS the description of this bike.
  4. when i saw your name, i changed my resolution! i'm gonna find this boys shoe, and take it to his home, So once again the pair of shoes CAN LIVE ON!!!!
  5. Barbra


    Really good video that, loved it muchly! Whats the song called? EDIT: Nevermind, i really should start reading.
  6. i absoloutely love your photographs, amazingly good mike. NEVER EVER EVER EVER give it up
  7. yep i agree with most the comments above matey the pictures are good and i love the site layout, all in all good job.
  8. the best way to make it louder, as has been stated is to bend the springs
  9. it was when i was about 12 i saw some guys riding through stoke, and i saw someone do a 6ft drop and i was amazed, in my amazment i rushed home and asked my mum and dad if i could have one but they said no, then two years later me and my friend saw an MAD trials show in a park near me, again i asked my mum and dad if i could have one, and again they said no. So me and dave rode this little 6 year old mountain bike pretending to do trials, till my mate got a da bomb school, we both learnt on that, untill one day when i was 14 my mum and dad brought me a onza t-mag, i was so chuffed. my trials story </cry> EDIT: oh and the slap, you want try dropping 4ft, but a newbie one where you go really far out of the drop and forget to press your brake i sounded like a cow when i did that, that was when i first started trials properly
  10. my new years resolution is just to ride more and harder, push myself even if i get injured, and not be afraid of trying new things.
  11. regarding a post above somewhere. Drops are shit to be honest, they are pointless, they require minimal riding skill, damage your bike and cost you money. POINTLESS!
  12. Thanks poopipe. Bit good that!!
  13. trials will end up the same as bmx, skateboarding has been in the past, were all out for no good and trying to destroy anything we touch, and that we should be banished off the streets, and arrested for riding our bikes. Until finally some trials parks start popping up and then trials starts to become more socially acceptable. Thats my view anyway.
  14. when you get angry, ride or take up something else like kung fu or karate. I have a violent temper as well. I'm a nice guy but if i'm annoyed, and then something completely pisses me off i lose all control over myself, what i do is i clench my fists really tight sit down somewhere put my head in my arms, my eyes usually water and just let myself calm down. EDIT: And a punchbag usually helps, i used to have one but i broke mine, from punching it lasted a while though
  15. my highest sidehop is 35" which i did today well chuffed
  16. first of all if you consider the amount of maintainance you have through trials, ie new parts when things brake, brake pads, tyres, grips etc it probably costs just as much as DJ or BMX. The weather is also a problem, riding on slippy rocks is never good, and alot of peoples brakes will not work in the wet + who likes riding in the rain. I enjoy trials because its not something you can pick up and just do its a working progress, and if you see another trials rider riding down the street your instantly friends. In trials everyone is friendly, even if they come across as a twat on the forum, in real life chances are they will be good genuine people.
  17. on a similar note.....keep checking back there mate, ive posted more or less the same sort of thing.
  18. ive just seen a video by one of your mates, on a monty 221 ti? i'm sure he could teach you better than anyone on a forum could
  19. Well basically, i seem to have hit a brick wall with riding, but ive decided to try and go bigger, sidehops i can go bigger on now, and all of the basic things i don't mind, but then it comes to rail gaps, and i (and i'm sure others) always think of the worst thing thats going to happen, ie what happened to porter in the latest auch video. This is not entirely about rail gaps its about anything, is it a lack of confidence? or should i just go at something even if i'm not 100% confident that i'm going to land it (which..lets face it, is most of the time) post your thoughts/stories EDIT: The place that i live could also be part of the problem, because everythings either too easy or too hard,
  20. Thanks alot chris, that was annoying me like hell. The css question, i don't really want to download a pop up blocker, because i never used to get them and only just getting them, so i'd rarther a solution
  21. did everyone have fun not partying then? leaving my house in 15 minutes to go ride hope y'all had fun
  22. i just ride in etnies, seem to be fine for me, just get some skate shoes, nice flat base to ride in
  23. thats reet nice! They ride well sexual too
  24. Barbra

    Carles Diaz

    good rider i just found his video's boring as hell to be honest with you.
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