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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Joe, try formatting your ipod. When my mp3 player went gay thats what i did, you will lose all your songs on the ipod, but chances are they'll all show up once you've done it. I did mine by going into my computer, right clicking the drive that the ipod is, and clicking format... hope it works.
  2. Just went out for a ride, met my mate, then we were just messing about and boom, there goes another set of onza chain tugs. Thats 5 pairs ive gone through, so thats £45 pissed away on something so stupid. My question to you guys is; does anybody make any decent chain tugs? Or has anybody on here drilled and tapped their frame so that they can use snail cams? (i have a zona zip) thanks in advance.
  3. Barbra

    My New Vid

    every time i tried to download i kept getting error report after error report, just use IE, seems to be working fine for me will edit when downloded, never seen this before WOWWWWWWWWW, silky smooth riding he's pretty good, i just hate video's with no music.
  4. coming out on sunday butler, i'll bring the camerar
  5. can't make saturday rides now make it sunday just for me
  6. Aside from the fact that you quoted the wrong person? As far as the thread goes, all you guys must live in riding spots from hell, because in my year of riding ive only ever had one episode (if you can call it that) with a police woman, she just told us to move along
  7. mmmmmmm, looks nice. I really want my bmx sharpish . Right hand rear brake? or will you be changing that?
  8. Inur am i an alien? Because i find it easier to sidehop towards my lead foot, and i never found it easier to go front wheel first, always to both :| So erm...my advice is do whats comfortable with you
  9. Barbra


    now i do The only weight i lift is my fat body
  10. i don't ride stock, but all the riders that i know of that ride stock all have single speed, so do it!
  11. I have the money to get there, but i shouldn't spend it really. I also need my new Cranks off ben *hint, hint* because mine are dead. Hmmm we shall see if i can come.
  12. I usually don't like all black bikes, but that has something different to it tis nice mate, good job
  13. wow, james bond would pass right through airport security with his golden gun then.
  14. Chris akrigg is one of my favorite riders, with his origonal lines and unique style. I also like Butler and Rob poyser because every time i ride with them everyone has a good larf. There arn't really any pro's in trials though to be honest, just really good riders that can be considered 'pro'. When i think of pro i think of someone that can make a living from riding their bike.
  15. video isn't bad really It would be better if when he did drops he didn't reverse the clip first. Other than that not bad.
  16. Uh oh not another 'weight over strength' argument. Also if them stickers are free mark i'll take some ,AAANNNNDDD if you can get some big uns i can plaster them all across the stoke skateplaza and a sign of.... Link
  17. really nice a bit better than mine i'd say lol. Joke. What tyres are they dude?
  18. I did all that before i posted and it still happens. hmm, i'll check out different servers when i next play and see if it could be select servers
  19. ive only ever ridden, newcastle under lyme, birmingham and stoke. So i'd have to say Birmingham
  20. that a knew type of pogo stick or something.
  21. nice pictures. I'll have to ride london one day, love the tinsel and santa hat.
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