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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. make a vide that fits the song or cut the song down. Riding was pretty good, he should make a decent length vid
  2. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    are certain frames only compatible with certain bottom brackets? say if i had a USA bb in my bike when i first got it, could i put a euro or a spanish in there if i wanted to change?
  3. the only thing that gets on my tits is the fact that shipla seemed to start off the racism. They were arguing about food, Shipla went in the bedroom and started saying "i come to their country and i learn to speak to their language....." and "i'm proud of being indian". Then a show later jade calls her a popperdom or whatever she said. I'd of probably said worse.
  4. same here, our schools well gay for that. So if anyone can shed some light. Also at my school, they have a program called ranger so they can view whats on your screan.
  5. that coat is terrible, and for the price (the none fake price) id rarther buy a load of bike parts, and go shopping at primark and the likes, then on the way home get a McDonald's. Save £30 for a nice next day brum ride.
  6. not bad fatty Once my my hand is betterer i will be riding you
  7. getting it tomorrow. Theres a guild on there that already play it, they did onyxia with 5 people. Bit mad, i can't wait. Add me to xfire godbarber
  8. There are three lengths of frame (on a mod) The shortest is 1000mm, medium 1030mm and the longest which is 1045mm wheelbase. I can't find much information on that frame but it looks pretty long, it should be fine for you matey The only difference i can see between lengths is the fact that generally taller people find long bikes more comfortable and shorter people find shorter bikes more comfortable.
  9. Well i'm in year 11 as well, so ive got the same shit as you (Moks, coursework, revision etc) I have a paper round which i do mornings and nights and weekends. i still find time to ride.
  10. Mr...Tits my balls look like conkers.
  11. I've never seen anybody bitch at the use of acronims (the use of lol, to be honest, btw etc...) Its when people come onto a forum, and they can't even construct a readable sentence, i mean, i couldn't care less about people that come on and don't use capital letters etc, as long as i can read what they're posting its ok. But generally most people that come onto this forum, are so used to text talk, or msn talk if thats what you want to call it (its basically the same thing) is really annoying, who wants to spend most of their trials-forum viewing pleasure, looking at all the topics in all the sub forums filled with text talk. I think the validation rule is good, even though it took me like 4 months and 100 + posts to do it, i still think its a good system. The only bad point i feel is the for sale/wanted part of things, i know its tricky but i'm pretty sure most people when dealing with people without references will ask for a phone number address (obviously address if your posting something) and can tell if the person is a scammer or not. EDIT: It automatically changes the acronim for 'to be honest' to 'to be honest'
  12. if its a sunday... New street gap at 11 EDIT: Yay its a sunday, i'll be there if i can drag someone with me
  13. try not using your front brake? i had to for a while, increased my balance on small things a shit load.
  14. Nice, infact, really nice! take care of that rear wheel EDIT: Just noticed anzo's post LOL
  15. Couldn't you just drill a small hole through the centre of the bolt, then tap it, locktite another screw in there, and take it oot?
  16. as has been said he isn't quitting just riding adamant in 2007.
  17. i rarely ride because my bikes always broke, but when i do i ride as much as possible.
  18. Barbra

    Typing Test

    tried my hardest to beat inur. I got 93wpm at 4.9 mistakes. i need to learn how to touch type the commar key.
  19. no need to say sorry about not wearing a helmet, i don't ride in one. alot of BMXers don't run brakes, thats dangerous enough, but nobody has ago at them. I realise i should wear a helmet, but all the other ones ive used give me severe headaches, and make me really hot. Maybe i should try a giro? hmmm... halfords tomorrow? EDIT: Very good riding there sir, i'm impressed Wheelswap was sexy
  20. over a grand by now for sure, BUT i'm the most unlucky guy with a bike. If i buy something that i don't absoloutely NEED, but i'd like for my bike, theres sure as hell something going to brake. Like today for instance, my cranks and eno came yesterday, i fitted them alls good, went for a ride today and pop chain tug naffs up i know chain tugs arn't dear but consider the next set will be my th pair thats £45
  21. when that heals he's going to look like a vilain(sp?) out of a film lol Nasty though dude, get well soon.
  22. onza citrus pads are good though and the zona...thats made by onza, they're good i dislike mission, monty and koxx. Monty because they're all about weight so usually they arn't as strong. Koxx because its all overpriced shit. And mission...well its mission need i say more
  23. go again next sunday and drive me and dave up with you
  24. No offence ali but i expected you to know for some reason, no offence lol T-Vee unless you want to be de-validated i suggest you stop using text talk mate.
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