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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Did she do it intentionally? or was she just being a normal woman and wanting to spend so much time with him? At least he's riding again now then
  2. mint pictures! but what else can we expect from you? and beau, i'm sorry but itd of been ace if you fell in the water mahoosive gap, and my favorite pic out of the bunch though
  3. from bmx forum you slaaagggg!! old news still pretty good though
  4. ahhh, hamster was fine s'all good. wasn't much for the episode on a whole though, wasn't any major screw ups on the task lol
  5. realistically 2 with all parts n shiz to get a new bike 3 EDIT: had a da bomb at one point, wasn't sure if it counted (soz fat pants)
  6. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    lol, just celetape(sp?) a pillpw to your bum bum next time
  7. who was it that was on about spelling again just follow the rules and you'll be sorted EDIT: i know there are other spelling mistakes there.
  8. your link still doesn't work... Thanks metor? The video wasn't bad at all especially for a first, usually with first vids you see overused special effects and long ass clips, but this wasn't too shabby EDIT: edit the link and add M to te end of the url, and it will work
  9. They both ride real nice imo, but if it were my choice for my bike and i had the money i would go with the zoo. They are proven to be very strong and reliable. Extremely stiff frames too, they ride a dream, BUY IT!! EDIT: In the long run the zoo would be a better buy than a zenith with a king dude.
  10. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    I don't really know all that much about bmx but i know for frames what your looking for is full chro - mo, so whichever has the most chromo i'd choose, unless they all are or more than one is then i can't help you... Mark, what gear ratio are you running on your bike?
  11. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    sounds like karma to me :P
  12. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    which forks? oddesy orrrr fly pantera Thanks for putting up with all my questions guys
  13. Can't really see there faces anyway. Most muggings are at night you see.
  14. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    they seem to be very good for the price, and i have never had any real trouble with loose ball hubs, i now enjoy saying loose ball.. I'm sure theres someone that can help a bit more than me around, but they do seem pretty decent for the price
  15. works now! was mad, last time i rode a bmx i could barely fakie after a 180 never mind doing that. Although your right in saying the hop off the curb was unnecessary lol
  16. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    I'm guessing loose ball bearing is the opposite from sealed EDIT: link! to where i found out
  17. That was very good, front flips look so cool wouldn't load for me
  18. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    Well i was intending on buying only the frame new, and the rest 2nd hand, that way you usually get better deals, i just don't want to get ripped off, and i'd like to know what i'm paying for. They are the reasons i asked. I guess i'll just have to do some research EDIT: which headset will fit this frame. I don't want to spend too much money on a headset, because in my experience they never seem to break, so errr..£30. BMX's are so darn confusing. also, which bb should i buy, i know this one has to be spanish BB page with my experience BB's are worth paying for, so best for the money rule applies here Last but not least, what do you all think about these pegs do they hold up well for a fat jabba! and are they light. p.s in 2 years 4 months time, anybody that has helped me out alot here is coming to the pub with me and i'm getting the rounds in!
  19. i agree it is true but why say that shit after an argument about food? other than to start an argument about race? EDIT: big brother is shite anyway
  20. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    thanks for the advice but i mean parts, i'm already decided on the frame
  21. you could try ringing bike shops you know of. i.e tarty, they may still have some.
  22. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    since i can't ride for 8 weeks, i have a bit of money a job and a birthday coming up, i've scrapped the idea of a full build for my birthday, instead i'm going to build my own bike up. i'm going to buy a fly pantera 2 frame, i don't really want to spend much more than £230 on a frame. That is my birthday money gone, and leaves £20 for a train ticket and entry to a park. What i'd like to know is what brands are generally worth paying for? list all you can think of. By the time the wires are removed from my fingers and my cast comes off, my bmx should finally be ready for riding so yea..any help would be great. EDIT: Just re-read my post, i havn't explained properly, i'm already decided on the frame i was merely explaining what i'm intending on doing (everybody likes an informative post ) i'm after brands of parts that are generally worth paying for not frames
  23. damn all of you that had a good time . i broke my hand instead no riding for 8 weeks
  24. thanks blad! will try that monday when i go back
  25. heres a guide! on how to post pics.
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