Well i was intending on buying only the frame new, and the rest 2nd hand, that way you usually get better deals, i just don't want to get ripped off, and i'd like to know what i'm paying for. They are the reasons i asked. I guess i'll just have to do some research EDIT: which headset will fit this frame. I don't want to spend too much money on a headset, because in my experience they never seem to break, so errr..£30. BMX's are so darn confusing. also, which bb should i buy, i know this one has to be spanish BB page with my experience BB's are worth paying for, so best for the money rule applies here Last but not least, what do you all think about these pegs do they hold up well for a fat jabba! and are they light. p.s in 2 years 4 months time, anybody that has helped me out alot here is coming to the pub with me and i'm getting the rounds in!