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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. i saw that it was piczo and wasnt going to bother looking/replying. Then someone said a girl was involved, so i took my time to perve. im still disappointed
  2. lol, just restart it you wuss it'll be fine. If something was going to go wrong it would've by now.
  3. Well in life so far i've been good at two things, bikes and computers. I can already code very basic html and other bits and bobs, but that was stuff i did for fun, now i'm gonna get serious on it. My next door neighbor is a computer programmer and he has no qualifications what so ever (computer wise) and he makes a fair bit of money to my understanding, he said to me just earlier that, if i can show an employer some of my practical work they are more likely to take me on than someone who has a handfull of qualifications, but (relatively) no practical history. So my kerfuffle is, whether i should go to college and study computer programming get some qualifications, or make like my neighbor and teach myself (which i'm more than prepared to do) and show an employer my practical skills in the form of a website/(online portfolio?) ??? i have neccesary skills like touch typing (when i have both hands fully functional etc ) responsible answers only please, try not to clog the topic, i would prefer only people to reply that have gone through the same perdicament or are computer programmers themselves (i think simon is a programmer is he not?), but if you think you have something that will do well in contributing to my perdicament please post, many thanks.
  4. oh my god so niiicce!!!!! the bikes ok too
  5. its sort of hard to not make them feel worthless when they spend all their dole money on fags booze and drugs, then you ride past in nice clothes on a very expensive bike. listening to dance music doesn't make you a chav. FACT
  6. i'm pretty sure dan will upload it somewhere after he's recorded it and stuck it on pc
  7. Barbra


    or someone else is on his account.
  8. very good riding by that dude, enjoyable vid! upload it somwhere so we can download it without getting youtube quality please
  9. no thats a chav sunshine. I judge people by their actions not their clothing though, so alot of 'chavs' are ok in my book. The majority around my area are the people id consider chavs, and you'd consider pikeys.
  10. Barbra

    Keita Vid!

    ive seen a few people on extreme sports, i can only remember wheeler and ashton though. No 'mainstream' tv though, trials is getting alot of popularity lately its all gravy baby.
  11. link 360 triple whip is it not? f'ing mad
  12. you havn't got to be violent, just try to walk away first, confidently (as stupid as it sounds). Just say i'm not fighting you, walk off and don't keep looking back at them, then if they hit you go psyco, scream and punch, it'll scare the shit out of them.
  13. on regards to chavs hitting people, they seem to need a 3/4:1 ratio to actually hit someone, thats why they're in such big groups all the time. EDIT: 3 or 4 chavs not three quaters of a chav lol
  14. Barbra

    Music Needed

    aphex twins, you'll probably like 'em
  15. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    i never really specified how i was going to 360, so the easiest way, like the exiting of a bank or something... where can i buy animal products from? has to be from a online store thats in the uk
  16. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    sounds good, is there anywhere that can show me how to set up a vee properly, or is it U for bmx? Practically they're the same, i've been fixing peoples/my own bike since i was like 9, but i've never been able to setup a good vee/U brake, maybe its because the brakes were always cheap shit ones? Also....do you guys think i could 360 straight away, i made a stupid arse bet today i can 180 with ease on friends bikes if it helps. I think i can do it if i set my mind to it!
  17. not silver!!!!!!!! mirror
  18. Barbra

    Backflip Film

    ONE question bongo. Did you get the cheeseburger?
  19. i have that problem, i don't think girls like me no more on a serious note, what browser are you using?
  20. Barbra

    Firefox Problem

    does it to me sometimes i just clos it, its never caused me any later problems
  21. he is actually a black man! mint vid cheers nicky
  22. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    onnnn the subject of brakes, do you guys think i should start off riding with a brake? or just go for it brakeless?
  23. i so want a go of the jet car even though he crashed in it. Mind, i'd prbably drive in the arse of a plane ir completely steer off course, because i'd be looking at the front wheels constantly.
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