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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. flatland bmx would probably pwn Trials to be honest.
  2. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    you mean the KHE > Sun wheel? Or did you mean build one up myself with them parts?s
  3. upload the damn pics joe and put me out of my misery. Theres zero chance of this happening again and i missed it, bloody broken hand
  4. also, to add to that, it can bend your BB.
  5. the throwing of the bike, don't do it. I can realate, when i used to ride bmx (i say bmx, it was a £50 barracuda that i could only bunyhop and go up and down a ramp on) i literally used to pick mine up and throw it at stuff. Its really bad, i'd never throw a bike again, especially a trials bike, it'd probably snap in two. Make a long a vid with less temper/ bike throwage. EDIT: When i threw my bike i was like 11, i've grown up since then
  6. thats so nice i may just have to strip the paint off mine EDIT: Although i'd end up like the silver man, chromed frame, chrome forks, silver cranks, crom/silver rim hmmm
  7. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    to pay the extra, or to not pay the extra? Wheel build one wheel build 2 +£8 for 48h and i want it crome. So yea, which one? EDIT: Oh yes, is there anything better that i could buy for the same ammount of money that i could buy, that would be better? or even anything cheaper thats better?
  8. emerge energy drink 79p for a 2 litre bottle from netto! EDIT: 1 litre (im such a newbz0r)
  9. Add me guys ill send traxxasman@hotmail.com
  10. that guy obviously hasn't heard of MC devvo. he's a good rider, couldn't watch the vid, crap quality even for you toob. cheers, gives me something to pass the time, till wheni have to go out, and buy some odyssey forks
  11. i'll agree with that statement. I'm sure Robin Fenlon was on road fools tour wasnt he? Lives in manchester
  12. no offence, but i didnt even bother watching it after the first couple of clips, which was half the video, because of the t pro part. Don't film on a phone, and if it as an age old camera, i suggest you get a better one if you want to start making video's (one of the reasons i havn't made one)
  13. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    thanks for clarifying blud!!
  14. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    gonna sound like a complete newbzor now, but i've noticed when going through crank options, a lot of them seem to have the crank 'spindle?' incuded, does that push through your BB? Surely the cranks would be lose and go ape shit everywhere? Its all so completely different than trials
  15. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    was gonna get pegs on the right side occasionally, thanks, no tensioners it is then.
  16. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    shall i use tensioners, or shove the wheel as far up the drops outs as possible, get the chain the right length, and tighten the bolts up like a jew hoe?
  17. 47 - 48ish edit: yay i win Good video there lad!
  18. Barbra

    Ice Slide

    i enjoy it too.. ..BUT! if i come off on ice at that speed, i doubt i'd find it fun, and if you bang your elbows!
  19. Barbra


    got shite loads here also, and were still in school!!!
  20. snowball fight riding! Now that'd be cool lol, youd need a basket to hold your balls though
  21. as has everyone has said, absoloutely forking mental!!!!!!
  22. I've been off since 2 weeks before christmas it broke, i got it fixed, then a day after i fixed it i broke my hand. Sucks. Does anybody know if they'll be foing another road fools also?
  23. you seem a bit violent today poopipe lol. thanks for explaining what ratty means
  24. RE: road fools, could somebody tell me what 'ratty' means or 'raddy' i couldn't tell :$
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