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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Barbra


    By default your phone saves all the numbers and stuff to the phone so unless you purposely selected 'save to sim' you should have all your numbers still there.
  2. I'd definatlely go, and if you ask me camping is a MUST, most riders will go there for a 3 - day weekend if you ask me. And paying for parking is also a MUST otherwise you'll get people that will park there and piss off somewhere else without the intention to even use the trials park. Anyway, yeeaaa i'd get my ass up there for sure!
  3. Barbra


    It will ask you to input the PUK code when you put your new sim in
  4. Barbra


    http://watrials.proboards4.com/index.cgi you love me, i can tell Just followed a few links from OTN and found that, hope i helped.
  5. £32 a week paper job. Easy money to be honest.
  6. So we may as well just buy a better pc for £614....
  7. i don't mind football, i don't have anyone to support. Just England in the world cup and the underdogs in any other cup match.
  8. Barbra


    lets not go on to racism I swear all the time, i couldn't care less about it to be honest, if it isn't defined in the dictionary its a fake word with no meaning and shouldn't offend a soul. note i was saying 'lets not go on to racism' to the people that replied to terror error, saying don't be racsit.
  9. No offence (arn't sure if you'll be offended) but your dad is an absoloute tosser, why the hell would he do something like that, i mean wtf. Oh and should he not be legally required to give you and your mum money? and any other brothers and sisters you have?
  10. i ride in etnies, but to be honest i don't really care what i ride in, i do however perfer shoes that i feel close to the pedals in. Like convers because i'm close to the pedals and they're nice and grippy.
  11. i just get a bunch of 'tarded text mark
  12. When me and my mate ride usually, we will constantly ride for 4 hours, go mine get something drink, then go ride a bunch of pallets or on a small wall untill his dad picks him up.
  13. not sure if anybody else had done ...so i reported the topic.
  14. Barbra

    Loose Disc

    i had the same problem, but i just tightened mine up nice and tight and it never came loose again. None of that locktite malarky.
  15. i like your hair EDIT: Decided my previous post was all too gay, even for a joke.
  16. we saw alot of small black children when we went stafford...and ended up in brum. Random i know...
  17. On the same boat as Danny really, but i'm the same as Ali as well, alls im good at is bikes and more hands on sides of work. So to me after i'm done in school i'll probably just get an apprenticeship to be a joiner or something. Get a part time job and ride. Alls i want to do in life is ride and have any job i can find to keep my biking life going. But something along the line will ruin plans as it always does, thats just life, so being a joiner i'd have a good career there to sustain my life if i ever got told to leave my home etc. EDIT: Joiner because you can link it to biking, i.e. going into building ramps, and full parks for companies etc
  18. if i can ride i'll sure as hell come, i miss it so much
  19. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    ive noticed that they are one offs, that won't be around forever. I forgot to mention i don't have all the money for the wheel yet. May even be a fair few weeks
  20. that was actually a nice post from Ash, but its to be expected when your replying to someone who can't read a name and copy it down without making a mistake. EDIT: i've seen Ash create constructive posts before now.
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