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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. that was sooo funny. Made me laugh when he said gingers weren't allowed in. :lol:
  2. so a micro organism came from an egg?
  3. i never said i've come up with evolution i said i've solved the question of 'what came first the chicken or the egg?' by explaining evolution it is my belief that i have just solved what came first, being the chicken. I'm pretty sure your going to come back and try to go one better than me. So please don't bother posting if you are
  4. What Came first the chicken or the Egg? Well the chicken came first of course! Life started as tiny organisms until one day the genetic structure of this organism changes to create a new species. Well this chain of evolution continues and continues until one day, a chickens predicesors (sp?) genetic structure changes and wham bam kazam! We have a chicken, then the chicken starts laying eggs, and this cycle will continue, until one day the chicken evolves again! Thats what i think anyway, what about you guys? P.S very bored at this early hour.
  5. I'd say it could be done alot cheaper than a skatepark, but then again i'm not exactly an expert. I'm sure theres plenty of people that wouldn't mind helping build it, i sure as hell won't. Think of the sense of pride
  6. for a frame i'm gonna go out on the limb and say that caustic soda is better.
  7. link. Seems like a good deal to me, cheap, sealed, should last you a while. What more could you ask for.. ...other than a new frame to fit the zoo headset
  8. the pics above are from romania right? Anyway, thats the sort of thing that Ali C is trying to get built so show your support in the topic thats hovering around please.
  9. Metallica are the greatest band ever. Oddly enough i don't listen to them much anymore. Oh and you know how most mothers sing there children lulabys (sp?) my mum used to sing me Metallica - Enter Sandman to me, i think that maybe why i ended up like i have
  10. Creepy crawlers are good the wear rate is very good, not a bad price. The Monty's personally i wouldn't buy (then again i don't really know much about them) perhaps someone could elucidate. If you have the money i say you go with try - alls, the wear rate isn't that bad (not as good as the maxxis creepy crawlers, and they grip like...well...something that grips well
  11. Aaaahhh yes thats it. Ash are you, your brother, your Dad and Barry gonna get around stoke in about 2 weeks? should be able ride again then i'll bring the camera out
  12. exacly the same problem, it must be NTL being shite, it can't be anything were doing wrong
  13. probably naff all, considering all the abuse its been through I think the 04's are one of the better ones, simpley because you can run a bash!
  14. Bacon and Gamon, i can't get enough of the stuff That can't be healthy for me?
  15. Who beat Danny then Ash? I thought he came first
  16. When are the easter holidays?! If my hand is better i'll more than definately come, Dave was telling me just yesterday how he wanted to ride brum or notts so he'll probably come too. I'll get to see my sexy fatty Dan too P.s Tom will probably come as well. If he's not playing with lezzies again EDIT: Try to make it a sunday if possible Dan Hopefully won't have to wear my bell end piss pot helmet as well, should have a proper 'en by then Ohhhh yeaa, i'll be sound by then ride on! should get a big turn out, what with it being a coupla month away!
  17. Me and my mate started on a 20" wheeled mountain bike Was more of a pretend thing though, we got the balance down on the sucker though, then we moved onto a da bomb. I suggest you just speak to Ben and ask him to help you to be honest. It'll be much easier in the long run, plus he'll probably let you try stuff on his bike
  18. 'Tis mine, drops not big around 5 foot 6ish, just a cool picture imo. Had to change it from bmp to jpeg, so its not that good quality
  19. Ok then, Beau's a beast i consider him pro. I disagree, i've seen trials on tv a few times now, in my opinion it won't become a huge sport, but it will become semi-big, where people can make a living from riding, but it still feels like a tight nick community. Topics like this remind me of the first time i went brum, and i saw neil but i didn't recognise him so i just kept staring thinking i saw him from somewhere :$ He gave me shifty looks all day haha.
  20. Apparently getting an appointment through the post for physio, that was two weeks ago they said that. Anybody know of any of the shite physio would tell me to do?
  21. Posted in NMC the more support the more chance of this happening right?
  22. To quote Ali C there. Well i figure the more interest the better, and well the more support the more chance we have of this happening. Read the full quote and reply. Don't turn this into one of the threads like i've seen a few of in NMC, where theres loads of unrelated/smutty posts which could be had out on msn. Support please
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