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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Barbra


    congratulations you just made his list! lol Sounds like great fun that, good job for getting him back, its about time someone got these gits back. EDIT: And Beau you'd probably get carried away and plaster ZOO! and www.trials-forum.co.uk on there
  2. How BMX all began! Its really cool to watch old video's such as this, just goes to show what the sport has achieved, and proves that no one can determine where it will end up in the future.
  3. it was pretty obvious that he was directing that question to the person that he quoted.
  4. why is no one slating his first post? Seriously learn how to spell, use grammar and punctuate. Infact, come back and post again once you have an education.
  5. i would make love to that bike in many different positions.
  6. i'm guessing i'm the only person thats actually been helpful to him?
  7. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    looks ok, but i'd look for something fully cro-mo if i were you, it'll be less expensive in the long run.
  8. I think it looks alot better, its good how theres a nice introduction, and i love the fact that the menu is on the left instead of the bottom now. Amazing pics, keep it up
  9. my god! Its actually the definition of sex on wheels. I love it.
  10. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    I'm also intregued(sp?) by these pedals, after my cranks next saturday i'll be getting pedals i think. Also, could you sort me out with some stickers marky boy
  11. judging by that, hope for aesthetics, BB7 for sheer power.
  12. you run brakes on a bmx ? echo is gorgeous
  13. i agree with nitromors, or caustic soda.
  14. if he' stole 280 quid off of you, why the hell havn't you got the police involved
  15. turn them inside out when you wash them.
  16. Tom (Mr_ailsbury) can nearly flatland tailwhip my mod, i don't let him try too much though, hose snappage etc.
  17. nah 3 freewheels, with two chains. Will check the links in a bit. Probably will need a new chain, i can't see it being anything else.
  18. the freewheel is second hand, its been serviced runs a beast. So its not that, it might be worth me buying a new bb, not that dear for a square taper one. But i don't think its that because its skipped through 3 bbs already, same wheel 3 different freewheels and 2 different chains. The only thing that i can think of is its the wheel. But it doesn't make sense.
  19. this is pretty bad though lol? do they all have a hell of a wobble on them? what else could be the cause of the skipping? maybe the rear hub bearings dying.
  20. Well my bike has been skipping for a while, thought it was the freewheel, but its definately not that because i now have an Eno. The bottom bracket is also fine, i had a new 'un not long ago. So either the rear wheel is fudged or i've done something wrong. The freewheel seems to not spin in a straight line, it goes ape shit, it turns in sort of an S type shape, but obviously less dramatic. Any help appreciated.
  21. Barbra


    i'm moving to Australia when i'm older, will ride with you if your still riding in 2-3 years time.
  22. I say Brum or Notts, both central. We should all do something funny with our hair or clothes or something. Good atmosphere.
  23. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    smart as hell, but really weak arn't they. And going from 48 spoke to 5 lol. Death wish. Well they're sort of spokes.
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