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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Mines like 5ft 6". I really need to sort my drivetrain so it doesn't skip, and i need to learn how to pinch gap.
  2. Yea, its just there for show, so its no more than a wall or a bench that we ride on... Just another obsticle Ash
  3. agreed ^^. I don't trust anything with an apple on.
  4. Converse, feel the best to me. Well actually they're fake lonsedale converse i brought for £7.50 well worth it.
  5. can't wait ride with you fatties again. Love the face on the first pic dan If all goes to plan, and Tarty are sharpish on there posting (as they usually are), i should be out saturday Ordering the new shiz friday.
  6. the one to the left is £31.99 isn't it? Always did love ashtons also
  7. Nice pictures pekr, wasn't even sure you still rode Are you coming brum in the holidays you sexual being? That barge gap is reet large, looks smaller in the pics though. And Beau, well... lol.
  8. Barbra


    I suggest you read his posts alot closer then my friend. He doesn't talk shit at all, far from it. He's merely expressing his opinion on a public forum, which is what its here for Though i suppose its all down to how we interpret what he's saying to be honest, i find Rowly's posts to be pretty insightful and eye opening. But thats probably because i understand it better than you. (I'm not trying to say i'm better than you or anything like that)
  9. Don't bottle it i'm afraid thats alls i can say. I was the same, then when i went for stuff i thought at the time was out of my capability i just jumped off. Then one day i thought sod it i'll just go for it. From then on it was easy.
  10. Barbra

    Bowl Cuts!

    I'm the same as Davey, i thought i was going to get away with having Curtains
  11. first person to bruise ash kennard wins a bag of penuts.
  12. the crash is real but Mike didn't hurt himself... I don't follow.
  13. If you have alot of time on your hands... Get singling it out lol. Other than that look for a logo or name or something on the webcam itself.
  14. Yea, but the 04's ride better than this new shizwhack.
  15. i'm the opposite, but that makes me hard. lol.
  16. Barbra

    Touch From Russia

    We cannot download mate, we need to have a Russian IP Address if we want to download. We should be able to download if you upload somewhere better.
  17. Barbra


    94.7% downloaded, if this isn't the right download and turns out to be porn i'm going to be really pissed off. The only plus side is i have new porn to watch, but oddly i'd much rarther watch this film. Will edit when downloaded.
  18. Barbra


    I agree with you for what i can understand Rowly, and its bloody good reading But surely if everyone followed their own individual rights this would only lead to even more chaos, society has programmed us this way so that we all think in relatively the same way. That way there is less likely any chance at any serious problems. With everybody behaving in the same way, if you get me? The only way it could cause epidemic problems in the way society is run today i think is if two countries with completely different lifestyles joined as one, ie Africa and the UK. Its hard to explain when i'm trying to reply to you hope you understood.
  19. my dog hates it, My Iguana just doesn't really care about anything, just climbs them
  20. my mate across the street got his at launch! Hmmm PS3 party? Even though i bum pc, console wise i'd go for the 360
  21. nevermind got my file and folders all mixed up.
  22. EDIT: i'm an idiot The site looks good, just a little cluttered.
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