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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. your just bitsy because we have bikes that have been MODified to become trials specific Lovely vid Dan your fair beast now
  2. you speak the truth. Awsome pictors ther!
  3. Thats exactly what happened. I stuck the tool on, used an old hub axle with two bolts to keep it on, got an adjustable spanner on the tool, used a bar for leverage then raped the tabs. Along with the lockring.
  4. Sick. Or maybe i'm dirty minded? I agree with you anyway
  5. Barbra

    Prank Callers

    Tell me your number and i'll make them go away?
  6. Well the reason i was getting the eno off in the first place was because i'd just bought new cranks. So now i need to spend more and get a free wheel which is gay. EDIT: oh and CJ, the 'punch holes' you refer to are on the lockring, which won't budge
  7. Barbra


    it'd be better with a zoo! stem. Fancy a swap? Really nice bike you got there
  8. I havn't seen a 'paki' (oh my god send me to jail now) big enough to even consider becoming a body builder. Stop getting hung up over this shite, i don't know why they get offended, next time someone calls me a Brit should i go over and kick the shit out of him? Is that ok?
  9. yeah right, the correct tool just completely f**ked my eno, the lockring won't even budge no more. f**king nice one. Man i'm pissed off EDIT: from now on i'm just buying Acs's
  10. i think your an idiot. Making me want a stock when i can barely afford to keep my mod working Seriously lush bike that is.
  11. What a bellend. I jest, welcome to the forum, read the rules/guidelines and try to put as much detail into your posts as possible, and you shall be validated in no time. One of the better first topics i've seen this is. Get your bum on a train with your mates and come Birmingham on Saturday the 14th
  12. yea, scopse you've met your match with this guy. He'll shag just about anything lol, if his hand isn't redily available. pretty scary at times
  13. Or you could get Echo forged Isis, along with an echo isis BB for £100 and spend £30 on something else
  14. Barbra

    What Speakers

    i could spend my life in that room
  15. Your local shop must be right arse holes then. I've made shed loads of mistakes, when i first started it was 3 weeks of mistakes lol. And i do morning and nights, 3 months on i'm still working for the same shop. Good vid, nice change to see a Uni vid
  16. Good turn out so far: Danny Ben Me Beau Josh Greenan Max T Dan08 Krisboats David on-a-mission Abdab and co. Maybe Mr Watson (according to abdab ) Technical Tom Squince might come matt! might come Not many people travel alone so i'm expecting to see twice as many people as the names here EDIT: Forgive my riding, ive had about 5 months off riding now
  17. Barbra

    New Tattoos

    Didn't someone say in another topic about racism the only reason black people were put into slavery was because they did the same to white people before that? Anyway i'll let it go, sorry to have offended you
  18. Barbra

    New Tattoos

    I don't find Nigger to be a racial slur at all to be honest. Black people don't get offended by it. They just use it as a way to kick the crap out of white people if they use it, i mean you'll hear black people saying 'hey my nigger' and that will be alright. But if i did it, i get shit kicked through me. So if you ask me i'm not being racist black people are (unless they don't take offence if i use the word Nigger (which i don't)) Anyway this is a tattoo thread. I'll probably get one when i'm 16
  19. We have quite a few riders oddly. Used to be alot more of us. Get down to stoke
  20. Barbra


    Piss poor thread. EDIT: Yet it'll probably become one of the most popular, telling you its a piss poor thread, and end up in an arguement, until the moderators notice it and close it. What a waste of the mods time this is
  21. Mika. The Klaxons. Hate them both.
  22. where did you get that mask from? I want one lol
  23. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    You do make me chuckle. Does anybody know what the postage costs from www.cyclesportuk.co.uk are? I have a bunch of moneys i'm dying to spend. EDIT: Nevermind just found out
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