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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. well no because, all my stuff is upstairs, i'm only 15 so no ema for me just yet, and again how can i be returned any tax if i don't pay it. this confuses me
  2. Got a bank statement through just, and i quote: Now i don't know where the hell that money has come from, it can't be interest as i brought a tool from chain reaction like a week ago (which is what the 6.99 is) I don't think it could've been the 'rents as they're always skint and they havn't got my card/card number/ account details. Anyone had anything like this happen. I also quote the real hustle.
  3. Barbra

    Picture War

    Really old tv remote rapes the batteries
  4. lol it is, fat little git, the guy with glasses is also one of my good friends Matt Dale ^^...Aaaahhh memories.
  5. The one in the white shirt with the black and red tie is me lol! I'm so glad i've changed, i've got a bloody block head! EDIT: Can't remember wtf play we were doing.
  6. 'noobs' are just as welcome as others, you get inspiration and you learn new stuff and have a great ride
  7. Will still be there, but i won't be doing any decent size gaps i'm afraid, bikes being well gay. (decent size of my standard lol) EDIT: Sitting with bikes again all that are training it with us? that was a well good laugh last time.
  8. theres a ride this weekend..... lol
  9. To be fair any media type of thing, gaming, movies, Tv series. Is a way to escape reality into your imagination and have fun, imo. Looks good anyway, though i've only ever liked the first one.
  10. air is stronger than alloy, you can't bend air, crush air, angle grind air etc On a serious note, slightly weaker but alot lighter
  11. The beginning bit was the worst for me, i didn't like the newspaper shiz at all. I liked the song i just didn't think it suited the video, you could do with going a bit bigger. think about them for the next vid and it'll be better in my eyes!
  12. Damn i thought i was being really clever lol My bad. I still can't pissing download.
  13. Wedding crashers yesterday - 6/10. Would get more if the stupid arse romantic scenes weren't so OTT
  14. I'll politely ask him to f**k off if he comes. Seriously! EDIT: So Beau you can get your bum there!
  15. Sounds like shes got the makings to be a good bike rider! Unless when she gets older she quits.
  16. Danny rides a zona zip in disguise.
  17. Norton is shite, AVG all the way, i also use spybot and Ad-aware. My pc is capable of running BF2 at good settings and CSS at the top settings so its not a crap pc. I'm not a noob when it comes to pc's this has just stumped me. I've anti virus'd and that and it seems to be working now but i'm sure it'll screw up again in the next few days. I will revive the thread when it happens again with a screenshot.
  18. walking your dog through shelton is much more fun, the bigger the dog the more fun you have! I walked through with my dog (German shepheard). Paki's hate dogs. note, if the term paki offends you, see the racism thread in chit chat to discuss it some more. I've already put out my point of view about that word Edited by mod: And that is how you get a three day ban. Unprovoked racism will not be tolerated.
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