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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Read before you go posting, its about his attitude not the fact that he asked us. If he'd of said "could you move along please lads i don't want any damage to my shop or car" Fair enough i'm sure we'd of moved on. But when someone comes over shouting there mouth off at how he owns these public benches and stuff, and we ride pussy bikes. Then kicks a cripple (), kinda' unneeded don't you think?
  2. just under 12 stone. 5 foot 8 ish. I'm a fatty
  3. oh man, get some riding pics. And a detailed explanation on how it rides! looks truly awsome EDIT: And a video
  4. Aaahhh quality that was. 'Kin idiot, his car wasn't even all that to be fair. He didn't have a customer. Too bad the part was missed where he walked at the guy with the broken foot and everyone crouded around him and he called his girlfriend over lol pisser. EDIT: I swear at places he kept saying 'so what is this your evidence?' Or some shit like that, but i didn't hear it in the vid lol
  5. Barbra

    Picture War

    no Ditch the truck thing, get a tank (a tanks tracks are there own road) and well a tank would crush them stingers.
  6. Agreed. Has Max? got that vid sorted yet? Would be funny to see the asian kicking off ^^
  7. Barbra

    Picture War

    We make our own road instead, and crush your nancy stinger in the process
  8. Depends if you can handle a big bike. They do take a bit more muscling around from my experience, though i think stocks are alot nicer after riding Jonny's at brum yesterday. Mods are easier to learn on and stocks are easier to get good on apparently
  9. Barbra

    Picture War

    looks really gay on a motorbike though!
  10. Pierre: for f**k sake are you going to let me in the middle or what?!
  11. Bessell was the funniest when he rode and the asian called him a cock monkey or something lol. He's a complete tit, he didn't even have customers o.0
  12. Today some fat bird in the station looked at me and said wheres your seat, i said they don't have them and she pushed me and called me a rude boy. No one else saw though as we were dying to get on a train lol. I know thats common, but i figured i'd share my story.
  13. Was 'kin good ahh, was funny when you rode on the wall when our ethnic friend was going ape shit lol. Good riding from all
  14. Maybe there should be a refs page, where say if a new member has brought 5 things off others, and all the deals went smoothly they could be validated providing they typed like a normal person. I think its a good suggestion Mr. Over Opinionated i voted yey
  15. Pretty good there Billocks, certainly a good rider. Perhaps some colour in ye' old pics though mate?
  16. Barbra

    Picture War

    I knew you knew what i ment. Nevermind its a fun topic, lets have fun!
  17. Barbra

    Picture War

    The significance of ' lol' was to point out i was laughing at the hosepipe, therefore being a joke! jokes on you foo'!
  18. lol do it! Scrum broke in our shed, and somehow my dad ended up with alot more (and alot better) tools than he had in the first place lol.
  19. Barbra

    Picture War

    get a better one!
  20. Ah, that would explain the £100 that i spent through direct debit at tarty. But what of the other 15. Hmmm i think i'll leave it now the 15 obviously came from, and left but i can't remember it like the £100 cheers Davey
  21. Dave i think your right. Just had another look at the other sheet from my bank it says. I'll wait for my Dad come in and tell him about it, then ring up the bank.
  22. Link. The little information i could find out about this guy.
  23. Barbra

    Picture War

    who needs TV anyway!
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