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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Start > Run > 'restore' then click rstrui worked for me when i got that error message.
  2. yea, already got a C for mine, did it ages ago. Easiest way to pass the RE exam is to just use a massive vocabulary, try to explain the religion side as best you can (i didn't even revise lol). But the most important thing to do is write your own opinion really well, and give it alot of content/wide vocabulary! garunteed pass
  3. hop 360 whip Good rider but am i the only one thats getting tired of seeing him whip out of everything?
  4. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    Why do people come down when i don't have a bike. ffs If your ever down when i do have a bike drop me a pm lol
  5. Please don't be arsey, obvioiusly he was refering to the topic or a post in the topic, so obviously he was on about websites that are trials related.
  6. i'd also have to agree with Tarty being the best trials website for products and the such, heck they've earned it for people to say it about them. Deng makes products from Zoo and Echo etc, just look for lots of multicoloured andoizing and its usually deng
  7. I suppose i should be shitting it, got my GCSE's coming up. I'm just expecting to do shit, havn't had a proper maths teacher for 3 years, still got subs, the teacher we currently have can't teach for shit so i'm on an E in maths and i need a C for the college course i want. The old Maths teacher lost all the course work, i hate going into English because the teacher is the most nob headed snobby arrogant twat in the world. I have to force myself to work in there. We've got no study leave and all the course work in my IT (Dida) is done, Same with Engineering and Science, so i'm doing jack in them lessons. Sorry rant over. I'm worried about Maths if something got lost in the translation.
  8. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    Swapping trials for bmx parts! And stuff for sale. Just to let you guys know
  9. Barbra

    T33zr: Midnight

    I don't think i've ever told you but i love your vids mate Will edit when done. That sounds really gay for some reason EDIT: You b*****d, you make me not want to quit Realllly goood video. Loved it muchly, the hopscotch thing was ace as well man!
  10. spiderman 3 - 6/10 i expected more epic movie - 7/10 no real story but funny as f**k in parts.
  11. Tell me what country wins and what song please Can't be arsed watch it.
  12. Lmfao i'm so bloody ugly, i'm always pulling a stupid face on photo's Sweet pics, i still fail to believe that monster of a chap Jonny is 16 lol. EDIT: The bigg'en behind Ian is thinking "hmmm, i wonder how many mouthfulls it'll take me to get him in"
  13. Figured i'd point out Danny doesn't have anything to be jelous about, he's also sponsored.
  14. Seems well good, if i had the money i'd snatch one up. I expected to see something like 25ms response time when i saw the screen size, but a 2ms response time for something of that size/resolution is really good. Get it! it'd be brilliant for gaming as well.
  15. Barbra


    Not neccesarily, it depends on the person how they react to drink, i never fight. I just become over friendly and become truthfull lol. Smoking nahh i hate it, it does nothing good for you to be honest.
  16. http://www.chavscum.co.uk/4images/details.php?image_id=6371
  17. Barbra


    your too bloody observant lol Lovely bike that is.
  18. Saving my money to go and watch pirates of the Caribean! Will download it though. Shoulda' kept a british cast though.
  19. i had 7245 songs before, my brothers ipod just kept updating all my music to it lol. Unlucky kris
  20. My myspaz Everyone can add me, i enjoy the virtual company
  21. No, unless you drill the drop out, and thread the drilled hole for use of the bolt. I have a zip for sale, check fs/wtd. I can supply beefy gusset chain tugs with it too.
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