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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    could you not re-engage it to pedal and slow yourself down with the force from the pedals? or doesn't it work that way?
  2. Demolition Ad Pretty cool, them team pedals look well good as well.
  3. where can i get my hands on the vista theme? Currently running xp
  4. Barbra

    Pop Music

    i'd love to hear cascada do something of that sort.
  5. I like a woman that stands up for herself/others Lmao, joking Dave nearly a full page without a half naked pic, i'm shocked!
  6. i don't find it hard to revise. I just don't, i might the day before the exam, otherwise i'll just forget everything.
  7. put a dressing gown on you and your 'The Dude'
  8. agreed! sweet mo fo' i'm still having ago of that bike
  9. oooh ahh, forgot about your knee You'll be bustin out sick moovez once its all better though! so yeah, get well soon. Good vid too.
  10. This is gettin freaky. Nearly f**ked a girl called Hayley the other week... bbuuuutt her rents came in.
  11. stoke? couldn't have been on/near a large estate. You'd of wanted to kill yourself lol. Sorry very off topic and pointless post.
  12. So go meet her, and on the way get off your tree
  13. paper lad!!!!! Gonna be going college doing some new computing/business course soon, and working at keele service station in the coffee shop. But once my college is over i'll be going uni to do forensic computing i think.
  14. I have constant tabs on firefox usually along the lines of, trials forum, myspace, bmx forum, slashdot, sometimes bebo, and w3schools. So i'm on it most of the day i suppose, unless my bike is working then its only about 2 hours when i come in from riding.
  15. i wanted to see this as well, cheers love <3 Bongo any plans on a new vid? not tryin' to be pushy. EDIT: "Why wasn't it on film?"
  16. i think you should quit. If you want to do it...do it.... no one else can tell you.
  17. yeah i used the spoon this time On topic, why would you want to see him? perve I bet he doesn't ride much though
  18. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    74.5 Head Tube 71 Seat Tube 13.8" Back End 11.6" BB Height Weight: 5.6lbs Also they're available in 20.7tt
  19. lol so very true. My previous comment excludes anything Monty/Koxx. As i'd kill 'em within a week.
  20. "all the gear no idea" That'll be me once my bmx is done :$ Just waiting for the rest of the parts to arrive. Although i've payed for it all myself. I couldn't care less, i'd rarther buy something dear than cheap, that way it lasts longer. Plus if i do quit i could sell it for more than i could a n00b bike.
  21. its technique and how much 'explosive power' you have not muscle
  22. Barbra

    Ebay Laughs

    lmfao oh my dear lord! Landrover trials bike. He's so impressed he has Metal Pedals :lol:
  23. Thats a well good price! Once i can afford a 360...i'll be getting it, give me a few weeks EDIT: Whats gears of war like on live?
  24. So how much for xbox live gold? I don't see any point in having xbox live if not to play online...
  25. Barbra

    Bf 2142 Ids ?

    he also plays 2142 i think...someone does on my xfire list anyway, will check the profiles now. EDIT: Siders is on 2142 right now...
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