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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. I already have a cheap acoustic...so maybe i could go for lessons and practice on that and if i think i'll stick with it (which i'm 90% sure i will) then i'll just buy an electric or something. Are guitar lessons just 'guitar lessons' or are there 'acoustic guitar lessons' and 'electric guitar lessons'?
  2. Thanks alot will bare it in mind. Anyone else got any opinions on which to choose? This thread moved fast!
  3. Barbra

    Birmingham Ride

    i already miss trials...wish i still had my bike now ahhhh well i'll buy one again once i have a job ^^ lol Looked well fun. And that edit was pure class, love it Partz
  4. electric or acoustic? I have a fetish for electric...as i like metal bands and alot of punk...But i just don't know. opinions please sorry for the lack of info theres not really much i can say.
  5. There was a guitar thread. Was gonna try teach myself a while ago. Never got round to it :/ Gonna' pay for lessons soon though.
  6. python 06...because i don't like to be the same and try to be different
  7. theres only that version? the 'screaming' version. Well i have that one if you want it... Barberan@hotmail.co.uk
  8. Unfortunately, pink is no longer individual, though i do like it
  9. Went to the cinema...watched paradise lost (got in for an 18 and i'm 15 OWNED!!) and it was shit...3/10 don't bother.
  10. oh lmao...i'm an idiot. Sorry dude!
  11. High school relationships suck. Go for someone a bit older seriously. Much more rewarding. They arn't all caught up in the whole social climbing thing... I wouldn't get back with her. I'm like you, very loyal and if someone breaks my trust they can't ever gain it back. If my missus cheated on me i'd probably punch her to be quite frank. I get fairly angry. So yeah, punch her and go for someone thats left high school
  12. I'm sure if you had the admins MD5 the last thing you'd be doing is posting. Its kinda' hard to crack your way to and MD5 number... F'kin idiot.
  13. lol your having such a brill day arn't you? Though i do agree.
  14. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    I'll speak to everyone tonight Eskimo see whens best for everyone then i'll let you know EDIT: I say everyone but a few arn't allowed/don't like the train. And the others i don't realy speak to lol. Will probably be me and 2 mates
  15. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    oh ace nice one! If i do come i'd be with 1 or 2 mates though... When were coming up i'll pm you my email addy and sort something out eskimo
  16. Partz........ when he said hop i thought he ment trials hop not bunny hop haha. My bad. Yeah, listen to partz anyway i'd of only been repeating him if i'd of said anything more.
  17. can someone reccomend me a good film to take the missus to? nothing romantic 'n' boring..either funny or scaring. Something thats currently showing
  18. Money Talks Fun with Dick and Jane All the Friday series Rush hours Can't think of many but when my brain works i'll update.
  19. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    Can anyone give me simple directions from Brum new street station to Epic skatepark? Saving an indoor park for a rainy day. Which looks like it could be soon.
  20. You don't specifically need either, it all depends on the performance you want. Both hydraulic rim and hydraulic disc offer great power and hold. Even good V's are more than capable for trials. It all depends how much you'll have to spend. If you can afford a front disc why not? the only way you can run duel disc is if you run a disc compatible frame. The advantages to a disc as i see it are more modulation, better stopping power. Disadvantages, chance to bend the rotor, some can be a right bitch to maintain. Thats only my opinion, if i were to ride trials again, i would go hydraulic rim front and rear. I just had too much trouble with my disc, it wasn't worth the effort. Its all up to you, take my advice and juggle it around in your noggin' and come up with a decision yourself.
  21. Some say he drinks so much redbull he just flies accross gaps... and that his muscles are twice the size of his body... All we know, he's called Neil
  22. Its not possible to ride trials on any bike. If you can hop a bmx well...you can hop a trials bike very well. FACT! I tried hopping my mates bmx who runs a rear brake..Its VERY difficult compared to trials. You could learn on a 26" trial bike or a 20" trials bike. But coming from a bmx background as you say i'd say you should get a 20" as it'd feel more comfortable. Try to find a second hand bike or any of the 05 onza range...You should find hydraulic brakes easy that way. Trials is no walk in the park, its a difficult and challenging sport!
  23. Barbra

    Virus On Msn

    poopipe you are an internet funny person! its quite cool! It'll probably put a trojan on your computer allowing it to be more suseptable for others to view your files/change them, find private data, account information, bank details etc on your machine.
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