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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    yeah..i'll have ago, probably tomorrow. I fell off alot yesterday and sprained my wrist. I do get the height too, so i'll try keeping the back end up as well Gonna get some footage in the week as well! So expect a small vid. Won't be anything special as the quality on the vid isn't all that good. But everyone likes a bitta' tf footage? EDIT: I now understand what Eskimo was on about with the V monster lol. If it see's a little bit of water it shits itself lol.
  2. Basically what i was gonna say. Mint vid
  3. I thought i saw bongo up the local town yesterday. Proper stared at him thinking it was Bongo trying to decide lol. He gave me a right funny look
  4. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    i'm not spinning fast enough on my 360's... Well i can now 360..out of a bank or ramp. not on flat yet. But i just can't seem to pull it fast enough. Like i go too slow and don't get it eveytime. Any tips/technique changes i could use?
  5. just had my first go...got .3 million. What a shit game though lol
  6. thanks alot... Thats exactly what i needed to hear. Your officially one of my best TF users now
  7. Please can someone reassure me that theres more than one girl that can make you feel that certain way? just split with the missus and i feel like death. Is it honestly true that there will be someone else come along that will make me feel 'that certain way' ?
  8. that one works. Downloading. WOW. The last guy was quality.
  9. Anti Chav militia? I'm in an angry mood and don't really care how much i get hurt. I'd fight anyone, any amount of people for my bike. No questions. Mother always taught me 'bigger they are harder they fall'
  10. lol. Msn? need to talk.
  11. 'Why not to buy an ONZA hub!' I know lets buy a t master.
  12. Get a pizza...curry you won't be able to go near your child without worrying about killing it with your farts. chinesse sucks anyway. Pizza meat feast. Can't beat it
  13. Went out on bmx earlier...came back cos i fell off and i was too tired/lazy. Did papers. Went back up skatepark and learnt to 360 and i feebled a nicely sloped box. I also did an opposite 360! Then it pissed down. Went home got soaked. Went chippy. Posted here. Fantastic day.
  14. dan you feckin numbskull lol
  15. Amesbury is no longer your mate? haha
  16. Ian Watkins dyed his hair blonde
  17. I thought Hot Fuzz was crap...aside from when he kicked the old woman and the bit at the end when he says 'f**k off! or the gingernut gets it'.
  18. ahhhh ok thanks alot buddy I'll check some of the stuff out later, and try to find a big online store!
  19. I don't really know but, i'd prefer a big guitar, and i mostly listen to Metal, punk and emo, screamo rock...so that sort of answers the type of of music i'll be playing. Money...i'm prepared to pay as much as its going to cost to get a decent one. BUT, i don't want to pay too much just something thats very good to start with for the money Thanks alot. If you have any other questions that will help you help me feel free to ask
  20. Seems like its a classic confidence problem to me. I'm the same, but you just need to put yourself out there out of your comfort zone every now and again. I'm utter crap at plucking the courage up to talk to girls that are 'out of my reach' but when i did...check the 'post a pic of your missus thread' lol. Just start talking to some of these girls...even if you don't 100% like them, chat them up anyway, see what works, try to get numbers or kisses. I mean its only a night out! Then once your confidence is up go for one of the bigger prizes
  21. second time i've had to quote something i've said now lol Onza Kieron I'm sending you pmage
  22. Any links to decent electric guitars to start with. Just something nice and cheap but good for the money. Preferbly something that comes with an amp?
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