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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Cheers will check that out in a sec The only episode in season 4 that doesn't work...what a bitch lol. Cheers anyway
  2. Whats the episode of family guy where stewie gets drunk and jumps from a shelf into his high chair, then him and Brian go out and get even more pissed and they drive through a wall?
  3. Barbra


    damn. cba now i'll watch it later and re reply.
  4. Linkage -best looking profile everrrrrrrr lol. I'm so bored.
  5. Barbra


    wow, didn't bother watching the last one as i wasn't all that interested in it. But the others blew me away. I was unsure about the 911 one untill i saw the explosions lower down on the building than the place that it was falling. Truly good find there sir
  6. Not sure how popular they are. But just got into some Rancid Proper good EDIT: Heard Kate Nash for the first time yesterday. WOW.
  7. I'm pretty sure you take breathes for the oxygen not the air. On topic, don't come onto here slating a company because you have one bad experience with them. It'd of probably been acceptable if many others have had the same problem. So give whoever you brought them off a ring and sort it out. Common sense is a wonderful thing, I'm glad i have it.
  8. Cheers love, will give it a try now. EDIT: Thats perfect! Cheers
  9. Is there any sort of website where you can type in an artist and it will give you similar artists from the same genre of music? (figured i'd ask here rather than posting a new topic.) I'll get round to posting the artists from my mp3 player later.
  10. We're one in the same i tell you. so many holes in my walls its unbelievable lol. All covered up though like...
  11. Think i'll watch them tomorrow then
  12. How did poopipe manage to bring comedy to every horrible and depressing thread on trials forum? Well makes me laugh! Anyway, Me and the missus are still good mates, sometimes she gives me the feeling she wants me back though. But i couldn't take her back now. I'm weird lol. Gonna' go after someone else now Until i find someone else thats worth going after though, i'm taking the pipes advice
  13. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    phoenix pro? pretty sure it matches up to that. Mine feels well nice
  14. We should have a club. This is wank. I hate being alone.
  15. I agree with you there. I hate the way he whips out of everything. We know he's good at them, so now we don't need to see it. Though that backflip 540 blah blah blah in the vid i posted was pretty good. He has so much talent, but i think it'd be put to better use on the streets doing simpler yet longer lines. And less tailwhipping.
  16. yeah its stoke plaza Its well good! but being local gets a bit boring after a while. I got FJ Whips today well chuffed.
  17. Sometimes when i see posts like this it makes me wonder about the forum in general. Its supposed to be a sport you love, shouldn't you show new riders that your all friendly and here to help. Rather than try and get yourself a bit of rep on the forum? Anyway..back to the topic. Hey buddy, make sure you read the rules (top of the new members page) post in full detail, don't post pointless topics or posts, spell correctly. Try to use as best grammar as you can, and you shall be validated in no time. Have fun riding
  18. Linkarge. Got a few clips together...threw them together. Stuck some music on and this is what i ended up with. Its not very long, and movie maker raped the quality of my music. Which is why i didn't use rock either. Some tricks arn't pulled smooth. But i'm always rushed on weekends as theres loads of little kids running round and skaters pissing about. So its hard to get a clear line. Quality isn't amazing but you can see whats going on 2ish weeks riding? bmx is ace!
  19. lmao...as if!! I was so tempted to say 'Bongo?' as well lol.
  20. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    I can do them perfect now..Towards the end of the day..(when my cam battery died) i was getting them perfect. EDIT: check the little wheels thread. Vids now up
  21. I aint got an account, but i can create one and try to get validated? Then if i do i'll give you the account name/pass Gives you more of a chance of getting on there anyway. I'll leave it till tonight see if anyone actually has an account. If not i'll sign up
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