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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. got my vote sugar plumb.
  2. Repost bud lol...already a 'hot' topic on it haha! Still though...amazing watch!
  3. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    I've not had much experience with bars though... And i don't know what geometry i'd like lol. I have premium products bars atm...they're perfect to be honest. Cut down like.
  4. Barbra


    Shite to watch so much fun to play though..alot like golf.
  5. Theres got to be more to it than that....can't just be her scratching you i mean...holy shit lol...were you doing it on one of them nail bed things haha?
  6. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    Well it seems Dads making me get a job after my birthday...5 days left of being a bum And i want to spend my money on a new bar and stem...So what could you reccomend? I was thinking odyessy elementary stem with animal tyrone pith bars? Sound good? opinions...money isn't much of a problem cos i have nothing else to spend my money on lol. So long as what i'm buying isn't stupid amounts of money Cheers gays! xxx
  7. 1. Generally yes..i've used an avid rotor, a hope rotor, and a magura rotor on my old maggy louise. 2. It should fit just perfect matey 3. not a clue...not seen his rotor.
  8. Yet you feel all forum members should understand all acronyms?
  9. I highlighted that...and whats with the phrase 'i think theres some pretty insane stuff in there but other people think not'. Thanks for sharing the opinions of people you already have. Grant...you feel you can call me dumb yet you obviously put as much effort into your post as you could as to not make yourself seem alternately dumb, and for me to not correct your spelling etc. But is it that hard to use a capital letter mate? P.S. Someone let me know what the hell 'jw wat' meant, as I'm now intrigued as to the meaning of this, some of us correct English using folks can't understand some of this shoddy posting that goes on you see EDIT: Danny did actually 'own' you too Grant. If you want to see someone who was good at arguing look up 'Mr Monkey' Find out his phone number and talk to him. Fool.
  10. If you come down for a ride Eskimo your not leaving with that bike
  11. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    Bars..Length..how much bitch?
  12. I cannot vote. Says invalid code when the code is correct EDIT: Just made it work
  13. Well who was that weird lad that liked to hug people? Don't meet me on a dark ride sunshine..i'll have you all over the place..But don't worry i don't kill my victims
  14. I want to watch the full thing now.
  15. After reading everyones views on apocalypto, i finally got round to watching it today. 10 out of 10. Honestly one of the greatest films i've seen. Who'd of thought Mel Gibson would be such a good director!
  16. I feel like watching Troy all of the sudden. Oddly enough for me it was gapping...everything else i did was above my gapping standard. Then again whenever i put power into anything something would skip...
  17. might be the fact you were running such a high preassure...considering when i rode trials i only had about 20psi in the rear and about 17 in the front...
  18. This probably passed the time for a couple of minutes. Got it for £40 brand new. Can't complain really
  19. looks reaaaaaallly nice! I'd get a bashring though if i were you.
  20. Downloading..Mega upload seems to have sorted itself out now yay! Will edit when i've listened man. EDIT: Completely and utterly shit hot! excellent work yet again!!
  21. Can anybody tell me what the long 05's ride like?
  22. Your both right, and to be fair Trix seems to post alot better than most pre members do.
  23. So has anyone dealt from this site then?
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