Well whenever I'm in a very good situation. IE a good relationship, i can't help but think of the worst that could come out of it. Only if I'm with my missus am i happy, any other time I'm thinking she'd be flirting with other people, and that there'll be someone better trying to get with her. As many lads do fancy her. (This isn't a trust issue between me and the missus, because I've always been like this) And because of this, I've never had a relationship last longer than 5 weeks. So how do i go about putting these thoughts in the back of my mind? It really gets me down, and I'll be honest upset too. I wouldn't ask this if it i didn't think it was necessary to find some decent advice, because i really like this girl. If anyone is going to reply with a bitchy comment, or a degrading comment thats sure to start an argument keep it to yourself. I'm seeking real advice for a genuine problem. Thanks all.