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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. I think I'll just chill out and give it some time then. Its like I'm always afraid of being hurt, so i look for something thats gonna' hurt me so i can prepare for it. But then end up screwing it all up. I just need to let my guard down I'm thinking. Thanks to everyone who has posted so far..its been a good help. Don't worry about being harsh Inur. EDIT: Dan, I'm sure she wouldn't go behind my back or anything. But when I'm not riding or not with her. All my mind seems to replay is how much it'd hurt if she did..etc..
  2. Barbra

    Cv Help?

    If you want you can add me to msn and i'll send you mine Give you some ideas like? barberan@hotmail.co.uk
  3. Hmm suppose it could be Bongo. When I'm with this girl though, were so comfortable together. As though we've been seeing each other ALONG time. When really we havn't been seeing each other that long. I think i should give it a few more weeks and hope it gets better.
  4. I pretty much think it could be both. I only get like this when i know alot of lads like my girlfriend though...Is this bloody normal? It pisses me off. EDIT: Could you elaborate Ash? How can i stop giving a shit?
  5. Well whenever I'm in a very good situation. IE a good relationship, i can't help but think of the worst that could come out of it. Only if I'm with my missus am i happy, any other time I'm thinking she'd be flirting with other people, and that there'll be someone better trying to get with her. As many lads do fancy her. (This isn't a trust issue between me and the missus, because I've always been like this) And because of this, I've never had a relationship last longer than 5 weeks. So how do i go about putting these thoughts in the back of my mind? It really gets me down, and I'll be honest upset too. I wouldn't ask this if it i didn't think it was necessary to find some decent advice, because i really like this girl. If anyone is going to reply with a bitchy comment, or a degrading comment thats sure to start an argument keep it to yourself. I'm seeking real advice for a genuine problem. Thanks all.
  6. Barbra

    Problem Page!

    I could've used a bit of Davey's advice myself at this present moment
  7. For someone thats done/does trials thats gonna' look pure shit. But for someone that doesn't already do trials it'd look good.
  8. Thats actually so true! So you can guess where my post is going... Firefox! woooo!
  9. Why would you trust him on your bike? Funny none the less.
  10. I watch heroes on the net so i don't know. Got wait till bloody september when it comes back on American TV before i can watch it again now
  11. Nobody else follow heroes? f'kin quality programme that is! 100000000000000/10
  12. Nettle stings are a git. In trials, probably twisting my ankle lol.
  13. happy birthday tis mine on thursday as well!
  14. Well if you were still at school you'd be starting/already started that big holiday wouldn't you? So you'd still have nothing to do. So just ride alone Or get out and look for a part time job.
  15. I'm still seeing a brake nicky... Only joking i actually fancy trying a brake but cba pay for one lol! New pics soon, i've got rid of the beasty stem (awaiting the new one) and de stickered it. And had my friend make me some stickers
  16. Well most people do, but not always. Though i'll agree education is a good thing
  17. Left...and now i'm a professional bum. Though i'm not 16 yet get my CV print out of a friend on thursday (birthday wooo) Then i have to go out asking As for now i just ride, whether it be alone or the other bums that i know lol EDIT: So long as i get the grades doing a college course doing business/computing, which awards 2 A levels then i can go uni to do forensic computing
  18. Agree'd! Never watched any trialsking's vids I suck. Theres a song on Tony Hawks called revolution, but i can't remember who sings it now anyone know what i'm on about?
  19. I think i may go next year. So long as one of my mates ditches the motorbikes and gets a pissin car Looks like a well good laugh. I think i'd stay away from you guys though haha! Bessel is a funny 'en. His demonic face when he's in the police car lol!
  20. Barbra

    Zhi Z2

    I disagree, back to the Ashton!!!!! Does look fair lush eitherway though! x
  21. I'm pretty sure people still use tar in the trials world. Get it from people doing roofing or roads or something, or paving etc, generally they'll just give you some that they have left over!
  22. Barbra

    Live Earth

    Wish i coulda' gone just for these guys..Link - the foo's! proper get the croud going too.
  23. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    ahhh ok cheers bud...will take a look now Looks like the tyron pith bars are more or less the same geo as mine! Think i've made my choice then.
  24. oh my god not sure if its been said but SCOOTER! primary school disco ***!
  25. LMFAO...That shouldn't have made me laugh so much but it did. For me it was Abba :lol: And Sum 41 lol!
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