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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    My odyssey hazard lite is fine to work on. Its all sealed so i can just pull it apart and clean it all out
  2. Cos he's not white. If he was white he wouldn't get away with it. That grinds my gears too!
  3. Not a helpful post. I've got one of them free text o2 sim cards if you want it? Crazy prices in hanley unlock phones babes 10er i think.
  4. New bars and grips soon! Got my smiths dialed now too! Cosby loving the green Get us some daylight photo's though
  5. Mum got me some Ted Baker stuff for my birthday. Nicest smell since joop imo! I'd advise it
  6. Most black comedians suck in general. Its like the only joke they can come out with is how if they were white they'd get life easier.
  7. Are they leniant on drinking ages in Majorca by any chance? I wanna' go with some friends and my gf. Some of us are 18. I'm guessing thats the legal age?
  8. Probably not no. Because names won't really have an affect on friendships or how they speak about others etc... And the fact that he said 'my lady' is just something many people from stoke say. You had my advice on msn anyway Dan
  9. Well actually it is unique...only being two trials bikes that are like that? But i'll agree it doesn't look as good as the zoot, don't like the orange sorry.
  10. Drive down, get your money, and demand the petrol money plus interest!
  11. Lets do it! That film reminds me alot of the way that this country seems to be heading to be fair.
  12. Andy has just pwned the government n00bz! This is where (like on V for Vendetta) He gets taken away and killed
  13. i''m getting a bike if this happens for definete! two years of no means of transport (i know theres public before you say )
  14. How the hell did you do that? Will edit once i've watched EDIT: Not human much? Amazing riding, loved the editing too! keep it up
  15. shit deleted all my internet history sorry Ash. PM Inur i'm sure he'll give it to you. EDIT: Just found it! I'll pm you now Ash. Anyone else want it?
  16. I'll try dig it out now..i'll msn you or pm you if i find it.
  17. Just tried...still only internet Guess i'll just have to use the msn method.
  18. I can get a pic but it will have to be later on They all look identical to each other (theres 5) and none of them are labelled as any specific port...its weird.
  19. Will check it out now...if i don't reply soon its either working or once i plugged it back into the internet port the internet won't come on lol! EDIT: I have some form of old school router, theres only bloody internet ports on.
  20. I don't mess about with hardware stuff lol! Something always breaks if i do. And with our internets track record once i plug it back in the right place so i can go on't internet it wouldn't work..I'm only a software kinda' guy lol! I'll get my dad try later though JT!
  21. I tried that..my computers name is Nathans. But the other computer doesn't want to find it . I've enabled the 'use simple file sharing' option on both computers (though i don't know if that'll make a difference) I may just do it through msn overnight or something...seems the simplest way. Even though it'd take forever.
  22. http://www.myspace.com/godbarber Am gonna' go through TF and add everyone i see now because i'm bored! EDIT: I think i added a couplea' people..but i got very bored very fast lol!
  23. Its not a case of taking a file from an old computer and putting it on a new one. One pc is mine and the other is the parents. My dad won't let me steal his dvd/rw drive, so i've got to find some way of sending the files though the router and shiz to their computer, which is usually used to share internet.. No luck yet. Anyone got a clue?
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