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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. I think it depends what music you like. If you can open your mind and listen to lots of types of music it'd be best. When i rode trials alone, i'd always have some metal blaring down my ear hole. Got me in the mood for going big. When i'm on my bmx though, i'll have rap on, stuff like a tribe called quest, gang starr, mfdoom etc! It helps me pull off chilled out and smooth riding. So basically yes, music is good. Its proven to be a very powerful tool for many things.
  2. Who wouldn't give that beast of a git Jonny one? Get enough height over that rail or what Jonny? You coulda' made it look somewhat hard lol! much love xx
  3. I think that leg training is where you repeatedly jump on a spot, like as soon as you land jump again. And do that for ages. Makes your muscles have more 'explosive' power i believe
  4. Doesn't really do it any harm either though. So just make it bone dry inside and use it
  5. I'd really enjoy killing that. I'd do it slowly and painfully infront of all the people that love it. Slash its limbs and shit first. ITS A BULL GET OVER IT!
  6. When you break something doesn't it grow back stronger? Bone wise? I rode with my cast on when i broke my metacarpals, then once the cast was off. I was riding perfectly normal again. Just sometimes it'd ache. So you should be reet Selecta!
  7. Keep shiz like that to yourself. Its not needed here. I said the same to Danny, he just said he'll see what happens. He's fully commited to quitting, but give it a month or so and he WILL miss it. But could he be arsed to spend the money buying another bike when he does miss it is the question?
  8. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    Eskimo how much does it cost for a return to stoke? Or did you come in car that one time you came down? lol I wanna come to your area so i can ride that warehouse one day! x
  9. 24 hours from supercycles same product
  10. Well you contradicted yourself there didn't you sunshine. 'he only put it on here to see if any one could shed some light' Which Mike just did. I'm also guessing that onza has the biggest income of all 'proper' trials companies, and sells the most bikes. With most new people starting trials will buy onza products for the value for money onza are well known for. So its hardly a shite company. If it was such a 'shite company' i think it'd of folded on its arse within 10 years of business don't you? P.S Jakers, not having a dig mate, i just don't agree with your comment that its teenagers being single minded twats (Note: I realize that 'teenagers being single minded twats' were not the words coming out of your mouth lol, but thats what I'm guessing you were getting at. Though they probably are, its a bit of a generalization to say its 'teenagers' its more 'twats' if you ask me I'm a teenager. And you yourself a year ago (providing your profile is correct) were a teenager a year ago. I know that i wouldn't dream of posting something like this about a well respected company, and would've had the common sense that it wasn't onza's fault that it was the shops. As I'm sure you would've a year ago when you were a teenager
  11. All depends. My gf would love doing something like that because shes very artistic, and generally enjoys doing that sort of shite. But i'll agree Bens suggestion is by far the best so far
  12. They work the same as any other tool. People shouldn't buy for a name. I have 'decent' tools. My allen key set is 4 years old. None have broke. My multi tool is one off tarty 1 year old. My spanners! Ready! 12 years old. None have broke! Nothing is cheap shit. But neither is it stupid f**king priced stuff either
  13. Nah that was an insult. Died in about year 5 of primary school though.
  14. Better than Danny on it already Mint vid there bud! loving your wheelswaps on the rails! Enjoy them front pads, they were mine
  15. Just watched Donnie Darko 8/10 Bloody amazing plot. Some seriously good effects. But i just didn't understand the ending, where everything goes back and he's the one that dies and stuff Someone shed some light? EDIT: Is it when he kills the big rabbit...Frank. He actually ends his own life? Cos that woman said once Franks gone thats when his life will be over or something like that didn't she. Can anyone reccomend another good film. With a really good plot etc?
  16. Added you! Its also off the beginning of Donnie Darko!
  17. If you mean this. Its 'Echo and the bunnymen - the killing moon' I'd be happy to msn it if you want? pm me your addy
  18. You just made an enemy for life Anyway. I'd suggest taking a look around Tartybikes The majority of parts on there are good quality, and the tarts are a very helpful and recommended shop in the trials community
  19. lmao. That was actually quality! I wanna' try it now! ahahahaha. 'Apparently you can't get addon lenses for a w810..bollocks' lmfao.
  20. Don't you now have an 8meg connection? I'm on 2meg and my average is 120kbps lol. Love as always fat pants. And i'll edit once i've heared it and loved it as usual mike EDIT: Sick of telling you how much i like your mixes But its true. Again you did an excellent job and i much prefer it to the one before keep it up Mike xx
  21. Most of my close friends/gf call me Nath. Everyone else calls me Barber, barbarian, barberan or barbs x
  22. That wall is about 3inches thick haha. Probably the same width as danny's tyres actually. But i agree he's a gyppo for quitting Already sold he bike Unfortunately it seems for good and not for attention.
  23. Front hub is a proper. I brought the whole wheel from cyclesport for about 60 quid Spins forever
  24. I think i'm about to cry You'll miss it babs, you will! As for the vid, was bare good...Not many drop gaps though...And oh my god at my gay laugh when you failed the front to back. I sounded about 7. Will miss riding with you
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