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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. The womans power is a split personality, the person she see's in the mirror is her sister 'Jessica'. At first she can't control it. But as the series goes on they learn how to work together Bit of a heroes nut me lol. Seen the whole first series. Second one starts again in America in september
  2. Nice bike other than the tyres...wouldn't touch them with a 10 ft barge pole with a welly on the end! My mates KHE's have exploded. And the first time my other mate hung up in the bowl his exploded. Does that mean i can't join the crew I've got 23" barsish...and my bikes black And my seat is just a normal odyessy senior seat. Darn i'm not cool enough.
  3. After leaving school and giving it a while before i got a job. First day today lol! I was riding about 9 hours a day every day, aside from the odd day of seeing the missus! Basically the only thing i think you can really do is just ride through it...Eat protein, and drink plenty of water
  4. What? You mean you've witnessed a few 05's snap. They don't all snap (though they're probably capable of it, like most things trials). I'm fairly sure many 04's have also snapped. When i rode trials, i rode an 05 for a year and an 04 for a year, power-wise i saw no difference. I preferred the feel of the 04, but i had no problems with either mechanically
  5. Its streamed...you need quicktime to listen Maybe put that information on the website somewhere?
  6. lol Fat Pants. I thought you might have posted the wrong vid, which is why i posted that lol!
  7. People need to stop being scared. Most people that get 'mugged' are just to frightened to stand up for themselves. They say 'give me your phone!' And people actually hand it over! WTF is this! Stand up for yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not directed just at TF members)
  8. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    I'm about 5'7" and my bike is 20.5 which is fine for me! My mate Jay Jay, the token black guy of our bmx group is about 6'3" And his frame is 20.5 and he's a fair beast rider so! yes basically it'll be fine
  9. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    I wouldn't get rid of your trials bike. Its horrible not being able to have a bash on it. I'd love to just get out on a trials bike right now! Gives me a refreshing feel of riding. Only thing is around here theres like 20+ Bmxers and 1 trials rider left. Who hardly ever rides anyway!
  10. I never saw a half pipe in there
  11. Was basically going to say that lol! Looks mint as toast sunshine! Enjoy it! EDIT: Doesn't look much like a mod to me though..EDIT2: Shut up you idiot he meant stock with mod spacing!
  12. Saddam had a name poor Saddam i'm gonna miss him. Not an arsey reply to you btw Alain.
  13. f**k a duck! thats still amazing by todays standards! Size of that bloody roll gap!
  14. Beast photo's! Quick question, can you wheelswap? With having both levers on the same side i'd imagine it to be hard? Unless you can use them both at the same time? But i'd also imagine that would take some beast finger muscles haha!
  15. I've read it twice before in chit chat. I also read it here. And its the same shite.
  16. WHY?! Do you actually give a shit what people eat/drink? I'm pretty sure you have enough pointless topics in one of the few other threads you've posted.
  17. Barbra


    Oh he's combined it, he fully combined the same shit topics into a new members topic Well done bandwidth killer. EDIT: Thinkings not something you often do is it?
  18. You can't be serious? You've already posted the same shit topic in chit chat.
  19. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    Simple question. Which is better on warranty, S&M or MacNeil? I'm either getting the S&M slam XLT's or the Macneil XLT Silencer Bars.
  20. oh my god i know! I really am cool! It would've been well scared, and so it should I'd of cut it up good and proper.
  21. Women. Useless pricks. That your never right with. Innertubes, should be made f**king thicker to be honest. Chavs, not much to carry on with here. low blood sugar. Face planted in the bowel after blacking out earlier. Rust. My bars are just rust now. 'Friends' That well...arn't actually friends. Attention seekers. Even though i'm one, i don't like them. Thats it from me for today...x
  22. f**k that. Balls the size of coconuts me thinks.
  23. I so wanted to kill it Its just a bull. I'd of done a well good job, cut it up good and proper like.
  24. I feel sorry for you. Me and my brother were right twats growing up haha! Fun times ahead! Congrats on your baby You must be really proud! I bet its such a good feeling too! awwwwww
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