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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. You scored as a Indiana Jones Indiana Jones is an archaeologist/adventurer with an unquenchable love for danger and excitement. He travels the globe in search of historical relics. He loves travel, excitement, and a good archaeological discovery. He hates Nazis and snakes, perhaps to the same degree. He always brings along his trusty whip and fedora. He's tough, cool, and dedicated. He relies on both brains and brawn to get him out of trouble and into it. Booyah! I'd pwn all y'all with my whip!
  2. yeah i agree i'd defo go round tomorrow and give him the money for it Glad your back. I want one again now. Not sure if i can be arsed work for the money though lol. xx EDIT: Its a Hayes 203mm disc and its a f'king monster to be honest.
  3. f**k revision. Some of us can't store information that well. Revision would've been pointless for me.
  4. How the hell does not learning to sidehop help? Just because a few of the more popular members of trials forum start saying that they're sick of taps gaps and sidehops, then people agree with them because they want a couple of seconds of fame. Doesn't mean you shouldn't even learn it! ... Anyway...as i said before. Practice
  5. I've not got a problem with letting my gf go out and have fun..with or without me. But flirting and if she 'got on' another bloke it would bother me enough to kick seven shades of shit through him.
  6. Wow...wish i could not have a problem with my girlfriends flirting with other guys. If i ever saw it i'd be liable to punch their nose flat But anyway. The decision has been made. And poopipe is only joking anyway. He's got a missus and a kid lol.
  7. 23rd for everyone blud! Its a nationally set date thingy! I couldn't give a shit what i get. I tried my best, hopefully it'll have payed off. Nobody can ask any more of me.
  8. 'revenge' haha! Cheers guys I just needed get it all off my chest is all Ah well plenty more fish as it were.
  9. I need your help making sure i made the right decision here. I've just split up with my girlfriend, basically heres what went down. I fount a pic of her, on her myspaz of her with another lads name drawn on her tit, and it was timestamped the 5th of august! And she went to the cinema with this guy when she told me that she didn't want to go. She also put this guy 1st of her top friends in myspace. I was only 3rd in the first place cos apparently her two best girl mates come before anyone. OBVIOUSLY f**kING NOT YOU STUPID f**kING WHORE! Why the f**k do girls screw with the decent blokes on this earth? They're right f**king twats!
  10. f**king hell @ the seat! Other than that i likey!
  11. I'll probably regret asking but why especially greeks, nurses and south africans?
  12. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    It doesn't. Just take your brakes off and do without As you've probably guessed i haven't the slightest as to how gyro's work
  13. to be honest no. But if you actually want more friendly advice and less sarcastic comments and less people trying to outdo each other on every post bmx forum is better. But generally the people on trials forum who post in the bmx questions thread are all decent so just stick with that. Lovely contradiction there. Oh well.
  14. www.bmx-forum.com Its American, so you get a few idiots but alot of friendly people that don't try to outdo each other
  15. I know lol What afroman was refering to is when Noah was thinking things and the police officer was reading his thoughts so they could escape!
  16. Basically, its her sister Jessica, she was the stronger sister...and Nikki is the more compassionate and rational sister. So if Nikki is threatened or challenged, Jessica takes over and pwns there asses. But Jessica takes over for a while. Then they work together and if theres a rational thing to be delt with it'll be Nikki...if raw power is needed its Jessica.
  17. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    give us some info on the triton eskimo! Geo and Price mainly That fly is rank but i like the fact it comes in 19.8"tt and the weight.
  18. Trials forum can take a joke. But that wasn't funny...
  19. I'm also gonna' brown nose and say a friend. Tom Amesbury, i think he's fairly underrated. Powerhouse of a lad and a top notch guy to ride with. He inspired me, as when i first started he was fairly good then too. And Tom Brackenbury, though he's quit now. Bummed him when i first started (not literally...figuratively)
  20. MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm i really like that! Had a go of poyzers bike earlier...that and seeing this frame...i wanna' get back into trials! ... on a stock
  21. The hasian (sp?) can block any powers from being used The Scottish bloke who Peter meets can turn invisible Hiro the Japanese bloke can travel in time, stop time etc Theres a woman that can hear shiz from afar (sylar kills her) Another bloke can melt metal and shit with his mind (sylar kills him too) The little girl in hospital can think about people and find them no matter where they are Theres a woman that can make anyone do whatever she wants by speaking in a certain tone of voice (she gets killed as well) Claires real mum can control fire and stuffs. Mr.Linderman can heal all things around him (DL kills him further in though) The black bloke peter is taking care of at the beginning seems to have some sort of power...not sure of it yet though. And i think Peter and Nathans mum has a power. All i can think of atm...will think of more later i'm sure.
  22. I actually really enjoyed the ending. I just want to know what the hell is gonna' happen to Hiro, now he's in 1600's Japan with his Japanese hero! Think he'll get his actual sword? Even after his dad told him its not about his sword?
  23. Nah thats DL..You'll see him later on EDIT: Mike beat me Wanna' know who kills Sylar? Complete bullshit is that. Don't listen he aint no paedo lol! By the girl you mean Claire i'm guessing. The one that can regenerate
  24. Much more to come yet sunshine Its a bit more than having schizophrenia, its like. She can decide whether she wants to be super strong and powerful or be more compassionate and rational, you'll understand as it goes on. You wanna' see her blokes power and their sons They're pretty cool too.
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