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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. I can do that too! Well never actually tried fighting with that shit...or cutting shit..BUT i can do all the spinny stuff! Been able do it for ages now. Me and my mate taught ourselves after watching one of the star wars films in year 6 lol!
  2. If you want to advertise pay for it.
  3. If its a decision over purely black and yellow...i'd say black. But if your open to suggestion i'd say white spokes would look the tits
  4. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    Just found the hubs on Alans. The Federal thing doesn't come in 48h apparently so that = no no. That reverse looks pretty good to be quite honest. And if you say the axle is alot stronger and stuff...Its worth paying the extra 99p over the geisha lol. Think i'll get it in left hand drive...I grind to the right lol EDIT: According to Alans website its only available in right hand drive? Now...last question for the night. Could somebody recommend me a good, strong half link chain? When it comes to chains the rule 'strength over weight' applies after seeing a friends flimsy chain snap on him in the bowl.
  5. Its what i'm doing. Just sand it down...get some primer..and the colour spray you want sorted. And laquer(sp?) I've always been partial to silver with red components on trials bikes. So long as its not too much red.
  6. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    I'm guessing this reverse is another freecoaster? I guess i've been living under a rock while this discussion took place haha. What are the advantages of it over the geisha? Any disadvantages too?
  7. Shut it Only cos you went dead weight weenie! Before this you were moaning about people that are weight weenies lol Meh...i love your bike anyway. What bars are they by the way? EDIT: I've probably asked you before now, but i've forgotten.
  8. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    Only thing i could suggest is that anything thats drive train. Clean and re-grease. Worked when my odyessy cassette was making a gay noise. Where was that link to the full wheel build geisha wheel? I remember seeing one ages ago, can't remember where though. And would you say the rim on this wheel build is of better quality than the odyessy hazard lite rim? much thanks.
  9. WeThePeople phoenix pro. No stickers on it now again.
  10. Sounds alot more like your BB to me...But its your bike lol, so i s'pose you know better than me. As for the vid i liked it pretty smooth, and a nice variation of shiz in there.
  11. Time you all out till? After work might find you all
  12. Because he quit....and now he's returning...doesn't really take a genius to figure that out does it? No if you'd of bothered to read his post about it you'd of noticed that he didn't quit because he was too weak for a 26" bike. Danny also not being too weak for a 26" bike either, I've seen him do the same stuff on his 26" as on a 20" on local rides. I know a few people use Kyles account. So why not be a man about it and leave your name? instead of all this anonymous harsh commenting shit that you keep doing? Fanny.
  13. Make you feel alot better though. Well it would me anyway.
  14. That often comes with oiling the bearings. Basically if you put oil in the bearings it dissolves the grease thats in the bearings and f**ks them up So don't oil the bearings (only grease). That goes for whichever you pick obviously. Hope have the most amazing customer service too
  15. what i was gonna say. No one comes up with the most logical answer do they? lol
  16. Get more money and buy a t pro man. Well worth the extra money believe me
  17. Questions are pretty good Well...Peter will be alive. Dunno about Nathan though.
  18. Go in the army or get an apprenticeship Or blag my way through computing..
  19. Shoulda' been ballsy and seen if they'd of actually stabbed you or not. 9 times out of 10 the knife is only there for effect.
  20. Gah...Indiana can get hotties all he wants.
  21. Hey baby i'm also interested in historical relics. I saw you in the games, and the films...maybe we could hook up some time and i can show you my whip?
  22. Cool vid guys. The frame looks like a white Adamant to me
  23. Dyson and Henry hoovers. Dunno why actually...
  24. If Danny goes and I'm off work and have money I'll come up on my bmx just for you babes I'll film for Danny and bring my Cam to take photo's
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