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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. JESUS! That jump at the loading bay! He's pretty good, he does everything a bit slowly...but good none the less!
  2. Fave person in there? Gotta' be Hiro...he IS the tits!
  3. Barbra

    3 Questions

    Right i wanna' know if any of you know of any good online stores to buy clothes from. I'm sick of the same old stuff up town and would rather not go up and waste energy paying. I like skater type clothing, jeans etc...you get the drill anyway. Names don't really bother me, so long as there isn't a cheap ass brand printed across the front of the clothes making it look fugly. Next question. How do i stop itunes adding songs to the library automatically after I've downloaded them? EDIT: More warn yay.
  4. Agree'd. Roll on september so i can watch season 2!
  5. The intro to the song before it actually kicks in.
  6. thats more like 40 seconds though innit lol! stone roses -waterfall!
  7. That seems pretty explainable to be fair Beau. I've done similar. Just sit her down and have a face to face chat and just explain why you said it. If its an arguing atmosphere don't bother. When its more toned down talk to her then
  8. Sad to hear it. Why'd she leave? Whats the situation. Detail Beau...Maybe we can help mate
  9. Link to the programme Joe? I havn't lost anything...Just wanna' see what it picks up lol
  10. Barbra


    Its you in a bad mood. That was a pisser. Should be best of the internet though danny boy!
  11. His sponsors probably... Generally thats the idea lol.
  12. I don't actually know why i bothered posting in this topic haha! SomeMost of you guyz are bbbbaaaaaarrrrre good
  13. Choose to buy some straighteners you cheap skate! I jest...Afro's are well cool! And thank god its brown haha
  14. My mate Dave still has all the cards. All the card packets. All the card boxes. A bag full of 'swaps'. All the games. All the boxes for the games. It was the tits though. I owned everyone. I loved Dark Charzard lol!
  15. your ginger and you have an afro! Man... have a hug *hugs*
  16. Yeah then i f**king nutted it and killed its whole family and put him in hospital for bare amounts of time! EDIT: I just shut up, and try not to get involved. You'll only see me fight if someone hits me, my close mates or try's to take my bike. No point in it. Doesn't help matters. Walk away easiest thing!
  17. DRASTIC change of hair. But i like it! Lovely spot on my chin too!
  18. I suck in comparison to most of you. But its all in good fun, and i can learn
  19. Naughty Fatty tryina' cheat! I'll upload my entry later
  20. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    hopefully it'll still be there a week tomorrow! Cheers love!
  21. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    Where'd you get yours in LHD from then mark? As i don't want one in Right at all. Alans can only get them in RHD.
  22. Only just realized how being very confident actually works haha! Me and my work mate Keith were having a comp to see who could sell the most extra stuff by being energetic and confident. This having a real affect on me made me confident in every other way. Started speaking to a girl called sarah. Meeting her tomorrow! See boys...its all about the confidence. Got shit all do with luck! get out there. Speshully you fat pants...don't call yourself an ugly fanny. Be confident and you can get anyone you want!
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