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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. So you'd rather put another person in your situation rather than see someone earn and pay for their bike? WHAT? If he wants to change his bike he will do, he's earned his money, and he's spent it on what he loves. Its hardly a waste of money, would it be a waste of money to you if you brought yourself something better than what you already had? No. Love the bike man, looks great
  2. Saw it at the same time as Americans did. So nah i've seen 'em all. I know what you mean a man flying another man into the air while he's exploding just was a bit of a let down. lol. I liked the last episode. Made me want more, which i'm guessing was the intention of the creators. Hopefully it'll be just as good in the second series and not stray off the plot a bit?
  3. Mine sucks: rebrab brabre brebra rabber rebbar
  4. He's foreign...they work harder than English. Sorry but its true (in most cases).
  5. English - B English Lit - C Overall Science - pass Science - Ecology and Conservation - Distinction. (The animal one! ) The science of sports equipment - Merit Applying scientific knowledge, understanding and skills - Pass Forensics - U (HARD) Maths - E RE - F RE - Christanity - G (Welll...its RE...could i give a shit?) Engineering - Pass (Not sure how i managed this...after school lost my coursework i didn't work. For about 6 months. Then bobbed every lesson after that) IT Dida - Merit (EXTREMELY good...since no one in our class didn't work for a whole year and we did the full course in about 4 months) General studies - D On the whole not too bad i suppose. But meh. I can't get on my college course without maths, and you can f**k resitting. Marines here i come!
  6. They come in envelopes?! Thats well good lol. ...
  7. Cheers Nicky..Thinking about coming Notts soonish...Maybe tuesday so long as i'm not on a date Nahhhhh...thats gay! lol! Unfortuneately i'm barendless. I just got off cyclesport ordered 95 quid worth of stuff. Barends included. After falling in the bowl burning my arm and stabbing my leg with my bars i think its about time i got some lol. Can you spray chrome black? Thought it came out all shitty if you did? Also getting new tyres, rear is puncture happy and front shits its self at the sight of any little tiny piece of moisture thats on the ground.
  8. Did he f**k Well...he probably did. Just not on the RE one. I watched him write his name on the front. Close the book. And go to sleep. lol!
  9. Yep visible for me too good an' proper.
  10. Why all the screens? Not being a willy i genuinely want to know...
  11. I'd fill it with beer keep it on your back and make an uber long straw for yourself and drink away!!!!
  12. lol. Should be a good day...I get payed tomorrow as well YAY! money and shit results lol. x
  13. Went all stealthy bitches! x
  14. uploading as we post my dear I'll edit this post once they're all done. EDIT 1st 'un: http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/8379/bongomydear1hg0.jpg 2nd 'un: http://img501.imageshack.us/img501/1903/bongomydear2yx1.jpg 3rd 'un: http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/7176/bongomydear3wc2.jpg That what your after?
  15. OOOOOOOOOHhhhhhhhhhhh shit!! On that alcoholic note i'm definetlly going next year! Damn i wanna' go now, now! have fun all!
  16. I can't wait to see people crying at school. Taking my camera i am. (Not to take pics of people crying (though i will do) i'm going out after and taking the camera with me)
  17. Why're you taking a duck? lol!
  18. YAY! Downloading now! Thanks once again mike for broadening my musical listening capabilities! And i respect you for doing what you love and not looking back by the way! EDIT: Got to be up for work so i only listened to half an hour of it or so. But what i heard was ACE! Thanks for uploading xx
  19. Same here Joe!!!! Maybe we'll end up Marine buddies if we're both complete dumb f**ks that can't pass their exams? I have a very optimistic outlook on life don't i </sarcasm>
  20. I'm still not fussed. I'll be more worried when i've gotta' phone my mother and tell her how shit i've done. But other than that i'm fine.
  21. Hmmm... Theres a girl, I really like her. Liked her a good while ago, but she had a boyfriend. Things couldn't have worked out (even if he was a twat) And now i like her again. BUT with this girl i just can't tell her that i like her. I don't know what it is about her that makes me so nervous to tell her. Maybe i like her that much i'm afraid she won't like me back? And maybe ruin our good friendship. I'm not like this normally with girls. I'll let them know if i like 'em plain and simply. I'm not sure if this is something that can have advice given to. But i needed to say it really...
  22. Controls ride pretty nice. lol! HAHA Ali missed one! Anyway as has already been said, they all look stupid to be fair. But that doesn't make it any less of a sport does it.
  23. Barbra

    3 Questions

    Some of the tops are really cool actually cheers. I love you lol.
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