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Everything posted by MadManMike

  1. You were 50% right yes, but I didn't want to type that whole sentence out. And if it's not my business, why didnt you PM this conversation to him. If it's public, it's my business.
  2. Still it's better than loads of threads about them... at least then all the "I gt beetun up bi a load of townee chavz tody" posts stay in one tidy place :P
  3. You sir, are a penis. This country will never be sorted out, but I think you'll agree it's a bit more sorted out that theirs. It must be really hard for you, eating 3 meals a day, watching TV & DVD's, going riding and having a choice in which clothes you wear. Think before you post bullshit ah?
  4. Oh and in reply to all the defensive Brothers, don't post a pic here if you dont expect feedback! people on here are only joking anyway so no need to get all arsey!
  5. Well its unlikely that ill ever meet her, but i'd say it to her face, she would 100% GET IT! I'm single now after 2 years so I'm on the prowl.... (watch out girls, and boys :D ) LOL
  6. Once I get my arse in gear I'll have a link for you... Gonna build www.phatphree.com when I get time
  7. I just laugh when they say something... example: Me on my bike, sitting still. One comes over "Give me a go on your bike" I simply say "Yeah alright then!" laugh and ride off... They feel humiliated and small...
  8. Was he doing it deliberately or actually seriously posting?!?!
  9. Quality vid... well done guys... whats the first song called? Its quite touching with all the riders sitting there (Y) RIP Deej.
  10. Why were you shitting it? It's just a PC mate... And a virus wouldnt "talk to you". They don't want a conversation mate, they just want to ruin things. Take a chill pill man, its not the end of the world
  11. MadManMike

    Backflip Film

    Non-EENGO Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do people use that shite :)
  12. MadManMike

    Backflip Film

    You heard the man... Non-eengo users, someone host it for us!
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