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Everything posted by MadManMike

  1. oh my god! Theres a grave on my page :P None of me either... http://images.google.co.uk/images?q=mike+duffield&hl=en Hope thats not a bad omen :P
  2. I know I could have searched Google, but I was hoping people knew decent ones... (Y) Cheers anyway mate
  3. Mornin' T-F'ers! I'm looking for some horror or crime eBooks to read, can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm sure I should do work at work, but hey I want to read! Hehe cheers guys, Mike.
  4. f**kING LOL! That actually made me laugh out loud... The smiley just finished it off
  5. Not ganging up on anyone or anything, but I agree. this tripe spoils Sky and makes watching TV a nightmare, and I dont even watch much telly. That shite is actually worse than those over the top women: SEND TONE1 TO 877 NOOOOOW! < I'm trying to watch channel U, I don't want a f**king ringtone!
  6. MadManMike

    Google Whack

    "Did you mean to search for: schwarzenegger bigmuff " fecking LOL!
  7. LOL if my belly button looked like that id go to hospital... Bring-di-di-ding ding diiiiiiiiing booooomb ARGH! If I found the twat that made that...
  8. Nice looking, but paint it! too many silver frames about these days...
  9. I wouldn't say you're an idiot if you accept, not everyone knows about computers and file extensions... For example my g/f had hahahaha.pif sent to her by her mate and she accepted it as she knows sod all about file extensions, well she didnt until then, so you don't have to be thick to get hit by it... (She studies Law so she's hardly thick :S)
  10. Yeah laods of people down here use no brakes... on a ramp you dont really need one!
  11. I had 6 people try and send it to me, then ten minutes later I was the only one left online lol... :mellow:
  12. I'm not a manga fan myself, but can definately appreciate the skill involved in drawing it, very talented artists...
  13. Totally agree. Hardcore is not Dance, it is Hardcore. Also, when people say "I love Hard House, Scooter is great" erm, excuse me? He is euro-pop not Hard House, and is cheesy as hell! On the subject, how annoying is it searching for dance tunes on Kazaa or the like and a filename comes up "dance techno rave acid jungle hardcore - Best tune ever ever ever 5"... Erm, so which is it? Then you download it and it's 123BPM rubbish. Sorry to whinge lol... Anyway, try some older punk music... The Clash, the buzzcocks, Sex Pistols etc... some real vintage class :mellow:
  14. MadManMike

    Msn Messenger

    How many people do you actually talk to out of all your contacts? I had 40 odd once, and I recently deleted all those I dont speak to, I now have 6 people.
  15. MadManMike


    search google for National Rain Enquiries... whatever they quote you is the real price. I went to Lincoln last weekend and it said £70 on the site, and it was £70 when I went in the office...
  16. Happy birthday mate, I thought you were about 20, not 18!
  17. At the end of the day, being paid millions to kick an inflated piece of leather is a joke anyway, regardless of skill... Football imo, is boring as fook anyway, why watch 22 men kick a ball? ooh the excitement :(
  18. Orange is a terrible network... All our company phones are Orange and they never get signal, they are cack!
  19. Why did you just ask that? I mean its not hard... no offense... "Hi, [x] really wants a burmese cat, would you mind if I gave her one? as a present like..."
  20. Why dont you remove the shape, IE the bit with the green in, and cut round the letters, and have the letters filled in red? If I could be arsed id PS it for you but im lazy lol
  21. Ringtones are annoying full stop. Just put your phone on vibrate and stop annoying everyone! Plus on vibrate you get a nice sensation... lol!
  22. That pic is asking to be posted... come on mate show us the pain... by the way, no matter how much I watch that vid, I always cringe... (Y)
  23. LOL that was in the paper... didnt have the green photoshopped pic though but the rest is 100% true!
  24. I use MSN & Winamp the most... Apart from in my studio where I use: Sony sound forge 7 Acid pro 4 Fruity Loops Studio Producer 4 Goldwave Virtual DJ Atomix CDex
  25. Sorry to change the subject, but " know when u dont wipe ur ass proppa, and u walk around about an hour later and ur ass hurts, i had to ride with that yesterday" oh my god LOL! I actually laughed out loud in a quiet office :( lol man that is a classic quote
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