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Everything posted by MadManMike

  1. Steer Clear!!! Use Music Station from download.com, ive used it for months, it's far superior!
  2. proper bash 'im up ainit bruvva lol... Nah just wait and see what happens... it'l all blow over, he's obviously just a twat that can't pick on someone his own age.
  3. MadManMike


    Man it's always the young ones :D 1989... such a waste (N) RIP mate... Link to the news page anyone?
  4. When I was at school, if there was someone in the year above, they were considered "harder". When you leave school your attitude changes. I don't consider myself "hard" one bit, but a man of any age could start on me now and i'd defend myself. You'll look back on this occasion and wonder why you didn't kick six shades of **** out of him. Unlucky anyway man
  5. Good idea's guys, I also need to remove LTD from area's, as i'm going "sole trader" rather than limited company. so I'm not gonna be a managing director now hehe... I'll update the site over the weekend and post again :blink: cheers for the comments
  6. People like it because Drum&Bass sounds silly as just Drum lol... What music do you listen to? Ah I love Drum. Not Drum&Bass? Nah, bass sucks, just the Drum will do... :blink:
  7. have you tried index.htm ? I was confused once for ages, when I uploaded an HTM file rather than an HTML... just an idea..
  8. Ok sorted the errors I could find, anyone got any suggestions?
  9. Cheers for the replies, I know I spelt competitive wrong, but what else? also, didn't know it was Mouses for computers hehe I thought it was mice... Anyone else offer advice? Also, I prefer small text, large text looks amatuer and geocities style :( or like the 11 year olds on here that have "I RIDE KOXX" etc in huge red text... I prefer small smart text :S
  10. I used my Wanadoo space for now, just to test the site, ad get opinions. So don't say, crap long address! or anything, as it is temporary.. But generally, what do you think of this: http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/mdcs/home.html Please make criticism constructive, and not "that site's sh!t".. Tell me why it's sh!t... Ta!
  11. For a laugh I tried a variation... check that out: Type nobhead in and hit i'm feeling lucky :(
  12. MadManMike

    New Colour

    I would have given it more time too, 3 hours in total! you could have smudged it when you were riding almost! You definately needed to leave it longer, nice colour though.
  13. MadManMike


    Mr Monkey... What the hell's up with you? This is such a touchy subject you'd think somebody had wound you up during cyber sex or something lol
  14. I know this doesnt help, but you really shouldn't use hotmail. I find it crap - user friendly-wise and the whole web mail thing is awful. Use your ISP's email with Outlook express or something, much better, and messages are saved on your Pc so if your account gets closed you dont lose messages... Sorry to hear about it mate (Y) It's an arse when that happens
  15. Hello everyone, Anyone kind enough to offer me reliable free hosting? It's only a small site i'm launching to promote my new business, so can anyone help? Cheers in advance... Mike P.S If my business makes good money, I'll pay for the hosting!
  16. Yeah sounds like he's adjusted the boost valve.. 19 psi is dangerous though, far too much pressure, could be damaging the turbo... It's not normally advisable to go over 15 to be honest. Oh and fairy elephants, 103 bhp isn't good when you compare it to the weight of the car...
  17. I met my 3 best mates through riding, haven't made any friends on here yet, mainly because I haven't attended any rides and tend not to use MSN or anything (Y) EDIT: @Mark: Just noticed you joined 3 days after me... that's quite weird... how close is that considering there's 365 days in a year, and this place has been going a good 4 (?) years... hmm random...
  18. Yeah if they just wore the cheap and tacky clothing, but were nice people, I could let them off. But they aren't.
  19. MadManMike


    Haven't read the whole thread, but anyone noticed that when you go towards the camera, it flashes when you are pretty much next to it, so it won't see your plate... There's one near us that we deliberately do 40 past (30 zone) to set it off... (Before you say irresponsible etc... it's a wide open road and any hazards are very visible, should be 40 zone IMO)
  20. MadManMike


    LOL Tom posts about sending them free, then you ask for a tenner! What a laugh (Y)
  21. Lesson to be learnt: Don't send product until cash received. I wouldn't send my belongings without cash from the buyer... A shop wouldn't give you a load of goods if you said "It's alright, i'll pay you next week by cheque"
  22. MadManMike


    HAHAHA oh it wasn't a joke... How can you sell sim's that are FREE? Muppet.
  23. Yeah but punching a kid off a bike is a bit worse than riding a loading bay isn't it? Just as a reaction I would have hit back and then backed off EDIT: Forgot to mention, I had MPlayer on loop, and watched this at least ten times before the laughing subsided... f**king classic!
  24. Coxxy you are thinking of "3" the network, not a 3G phone. 3rd Generation is the type of phone, "3" is the network. And yeah 3 did operate that crap policy. I've got a contract phone too now: Samsung E800 - 1000 o2 & landline minutes 600 texts - £25 P/M
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