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Everything posted by MadManMike

  1. Who's Kathy? Off topic slighty... (Y)
  2. Full bikes lose value as soon as the pedal is turned mate. Split it, and you may get more than the full bike, it's a pain in the rear to sell all the parts though when you could flog it as one. I'd sell the whole bike for convenience, depends how much you need / want the money.
  3. I really love Europe, and the shite currency they possess. Hence the fact UKIP are my vote. The rest are a bunch of children in suits shouting at each other. "Mr Blair did this, Mr Blair sadi that" Instead of slagging each other off, try telling us what you're gonna do for ME. not on the whole, I want to know what I'LL gain. They're all wankers IMO
  4. He's not slow, some of us don't like French language or the people that occupy the country... It is quite funny though (Y)
  5. www.anarchist-cookbook.com hehe may be www.anarchist-handbook.com actually... Anywho, there you go!
  6. Has anyone actually got the Anarchists Handbook? I used to have it and it's actually really interesting. If you do have a copy, PM ME please.
  7. "p.s. when it comes to it just masturbate!!! " Sound advice, you hand doesnt want a cuddle after, it also doesnt mind if you fall asleep straight after (Y) Seriously! I know how you feel though... "time is a healer" as they say... Unlucky dude, would have felt worse after 2 years or so though, so you're lucky it was relatively short...
  8. The desktop is pretty old, so probably not... The laptop does though yeah.
  9. Poet - you are correct, I didn't want to network them, just wondered if a KVM would work. If it wont then I'll fork out for networking gear, just a KVM is £20 and the network gear would cost more so wanted to save pennies... Thanks for the info so far.
  10. Right, I have a laptop, and I am getting a desktop to store my stuff on (Like a hidden server, but not connected to the laptop at all) I want to use the laptop to view the desktop, but i'm not sure how. At work I use a KVM switch to view my computer or the server (I'm the administrator) but i'm not sure how you'd do it on a laptop, is it the same? Just a simple KVM switch? Thanks in advance... Mike
  11. LOL @ this topic. Give me a quid and i'll solve all your problems :) :) What kind of idiot would do that??
  12. You can ride trials at any age, without a license. The bike is usually restricted to one gear though :)
  13. 9 am til 11 at night most nights last summer... nothing else to do so I stayed out riding all day... shagged hands though!
  14. "Depends how much u want 2 borrow - im short myself. has Fran got home ok? Mum" hehe as usual, being the human bank until pay day...
  15. Well I know a bit, but what kind of performance part?
  16. I know bugger all about politics, but I do know that the UKIP hate Europe and the Euro. That gets my vote. Call me racist, but I like Britain and I'm proud to be British. I don't want another country running us. Brussels already do pretty much....
  17. Same as... All mods are ugly IMO, yes, IMO! I prefer a beefy stock bike...
  18. Brand new boxed Amplifier (HiFi 2 channel, 100w/pc) £60 inc delivery from Germany! Erm, not quite a bargain but i'm happy with it: Twin 10" sub box, carpeted andported and bass tubes £30 inc delivery.
  19. The original is by Ray Keith, Shy FX did the remix. Sorry to correct such a small error but I love my D&B (Produce and mix it) Anyone that likes real grimey jungle will wanna check out drumandbass.de > go to the download section, and find the mixes by "Lettuce". By far my fave ever jungle mixes, the guys amazing. As for bass, try and find "Truly One - Andy C". That is extreme bass.
  20. I'll second that, how tempted was I??? hehe
  21. Personally it's the nicest frame i've ever seen. I don't normally like that style of frame (The ones that go straight down from the steerer tube to the end of the frame, unlike the Reefer.) Now I know the Reefer doesnt ride as well, but from a cosmetic point of view I usually prefer the Reefer style of frame. This frame is sex!!! Very Nice!!!!
  22. Personally I prefer "real" cars, i.e not massive dragsters... An impressive one, was a Toyota Supra, did the quarter in silly time. Can't remember the time, but I know it was ridiculous for a Supra. Go on the Toyota GT Turbo site (Google it) to find loads of cool vids.
  23. Yeah but the whole point is, and i'm sure you understood this before the big bitchy childish arguements, the limit is 30. You exceed 30 you get bollocked. It's called the law. You broke the law and got punished. You can't moan, it wasn't unfair. Whether it SHOULD be a 30 zone or not doesn't matter. If it's a 30 you can't moan for being done for going over 30. "I dont care what anyone who doesnt drive says, you WILL speed." I'd have done about 40 too probably, but wouldn't winge if I got caught. Just stop bloody arguing everyone! :D
  24. I know it seems harsh, but the law says 30, you were going faster. No legs to stand on unfortunately. Sure, roads SHOULD be more than 30, but if they arent there's sod all we can do except go 30. Unlucky, but learn your lesson ;)
  25. My only beef with Onza, would be the awful paint. I used to have a T-Raptor, and I got rid of it purely because it's grey and silver looked absolutely awful. I'm buying a polished Reefer next month.. much better design :)
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