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Everything posted by MadManMike

  1. MadManMike


    Couldn't agree more... the parents were blatently trying to get loads of money anyway... Celebrities suck.
  2. To solve a dispute, what is faster: 1.4 Clio RT (The mk I's) -or- 1.3 Corolla GI (The old shape ones)
  3. Text talk was made for people because typing on a phone is a pain in the arse. On a keyboard there is absolutely NO excuse to use text talk. It takes a split second to type a word, so why type it shorter?? And the reasons people use "proper English" is because you look like a f**king idiot if you don't.
  4. In the past I said to a girl on the train: "Hey, er, you'll probably laugh at me or something, but I thought it's worth a shot, do you fancy going out for a drink or something?" She looked a bit shy at first and said "er, yeah, ok" I gave her my number and just said if you do, gimme a ring. 3 days later she did! It turned out to be a quick one night thing but hey can't win 'em all...
  5. Final decision made! 4HP Flymo motor is going to be used, i've booked the machine in for engine mount welding and fairing installation. I'm currently bidding on a running flymo motor on eBay, it's a fiver at the moment. This is gonna be fun :)
  6. I've found a safer, easier alternative to the lawn mower engine. I'm going to mount a 10 HP strimmer motor onto the frame just above the back wheel, where a rubber roller grinds against the back wheel obviously making it turn. Now I know the down sides (Worn tyres, friction etc...) But this will be a lot easier and probably less likely to land me in prison or in hospital. It's also cheaper and MUCH quicker to build... Anyone agree with me?
  7. It's not really going to be for trials anyway, I'm only using a 'Cuda Ghetto so it's not really trials at the moment anyway! Purely for speed... And brake-wise: Front HS33 Rear Avid (AD7?) Not ground rims either... I admit I haven't thought it out that much but hey i'm going for it! It will be fun... The hardest bit I can see is making the motor work, the welding will be no problem. The plant is to remove the cranks and fill the BB, have the motor just above where the BB is inside the triangle, and make a cover or "fairing" for the bike. The idea is to have a chainring where it would be if there were cranks, but obviously it will be connected to the motor not the BB. Get me? Anyway, more research and help from companies is required... This WILL happen.
  8. Oh I will don't worry... my boss just gave me some useful info too, this is gonna be fun!
  9. My overall aim is to blast away mopeds... not sure if it will, but hey it'll be fun trying :huh:
  10. The possibilities are endless, but im not the most practical person in the world, so I'm really looking to do whats easiest... I'm not lazy i'm just crap at building things... The advice is great so far though guys :huh: I've emailed welders for prices to weld an engine mount in my area, just gotta wait!
  11. This thread took off like a lead kite :huh:
  12. I doubt a 35 HP motor would fit anyway actually, but it's gonna be fun messing about :huh:
  13. Can anyone help? like tell me the best way to make the motor move the front wheel? Best technique... I'm sure welding an engine mount wouldn't be too difficult, but making a drive system would be difficult
  14. hehe that was the idea, mental speeds I want to acheive :huh: Id love to smoke a scooter!
  15. I am interested in putting a 35 HP lawnmower engine on my trials bike, making a mad custom type thing... Can anyone see this possible? Would it be very hard to do? I'd love to make a motor-push-bike... It would get some funny looks on the cycle lane... Any ideas anyone? Can anyone tell me who could supply a motor? Is anyone technically minded and available to help? My plan is to put the motor on the front, but I really don't know if it would work.
  16. When I did mine.. (6 years ago? how time flies!) I worked in the medical records section of our hospital... my job? To put RIP on records and chuck them in the bin :huh: Harsh job when you're 16
  17. Well, as the title really, whats your fave? Mines: thegtaplace.com for custom cars in vice city -or- drumandbass.de for extreme drum & bass mixes and singles plus a great d&b forum.
  18. Please? Someone must know... There's a lot of brainboxes on this forum :)
  19. Paedo? How's that? Seems like a joke to me
  20. I'll admit i've been lazy at times on ebay with regards to sending things, but I'm sure it'll be ok... I'd normally chase it up after a week mate
  21. God have some patience.. Wednesday was two days ago... I'm sure he's just busy or something... I would post next wednesday, that gives it a week.
  22. Got irritated at 68 lol Argh the noise
  23. LOL what a typical 'bloke' reply...
  24. You sound possesive. Also if she'd do that to you, she isn't worth it. Simple as that mate. If you think she'd do something if you weren't there then she's not worth the hassle. Relationships are built on trust, remember that!
  25. It's certainly a novelty, not sure i'd want one though, even if I COULD afford one! eBay is pretty random :)
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