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Everything posted by MadManMike

  1. Yeah nice bumpage... thanks for making me think wow! a new Holroyd vid! Don't be lame, start a new topic called something like "Old Holroyd Vid, anyone got it?" Grrr
  2. Cash raised helps the minority, which is still good, but I doubt there will ever be a poverty-free country on this planet. :blink:
  3. And Monkey, I agree... Awesome muscle car! I'm talking more about practicality though, lol. Mustangs aren't great for the Tesco run...
  4. Yeah I know what you're saying guys, but imo it's the nicest "cheapish" new car at the moment. I agree with Rich about retro, I love MKI & II Golfs and similar cars, they are awesome, raw power. I'm getting an old-skool polo GT next month :(
  5. So, what's your opinions? Google for images of the car... IMO It's how the Yaris should have been made, the Yaris is ugly, the Aygo looks different and interesting... Well, thoughts?
  6. Random comment? But yeah, Hastings is pretty close :( I used to live in Paddock Wood a few years back too! (It wasn't my fault though, I had no choice as I was 16 :P)
  7. LOL Andy :( Let's not start that debate, we all know that there's more skill in eating a banana than firing a gun :(
  8. I share your dissapointment :(
  9. Not that I know of... I may be wrong, but it looks like a pen and paper job mate :(
  10. As annoying as it is, I won't mention your poor grammatical skills. On the CRC side, yes it is annoying, but everyone makes mistakes, and i'm sure they apologised for it. Chill out.
  11. MadManMike


    I'm light footed, mostly because I walk kind of on tip toe, not completely though. If you put your heels down there's no spring in them so all your weight thumps the floorboards. Try focusing your weight to the front of your feet and they will spring rather than be heavy...
  12. Yeah taking the card out and installing the new one is piss easy. Take your case off, unscrew the card (There should be one little screw holding it in the port) Pull it out and plug the new one in and screw it up again! It's really easy B)
  13. Even the older Civic 1.6 VTEC's are nice too... I'd certainly not call them shit anyway...
  14. Are you saying Honda are shit? Ever seen an imported Integra? Not the UK model, the import? it's absolutely awesome and STUPIDLY fast. a guy called Dean in my town has one, 360 BHP and it is insane. Super sexy too. The UK one looks nice, but is less powerful but still nice is it VTEC or TYPE-R in UK? well which ever one of those it is, the jap one is faster...
  15. Some of the cars are awesome... Don't slate nike clothing because chavs wear it... Anyone can ruin a car.
  16. My point exactly. Computer Games are not realistic.
  17. Half Life is a computer game... Enough said. Sure, Vice City is fairly realistic, but cars don't REALLY handle like that.
  18. They hold ten times their weight of water in one crystal don't they? clever stuff! Remember though kiddies, DO NOT EAT :blink:
  19. Shhhhh! Let's not get so heated over murder weapons ah? People like what they like. Stop arguing guys it gets you nowhere...
  20. My point exactly, they are welcome to. Everyone's entitled to say what they like really... If I slate someone/thing I expect to be slated >_<
  21. I don't see how a tool used for killing people is cool that's all. Sorry I have an opinion, I should think everythings cool shouldn't I... Do we really have to put IN MY OPINION IMO IMO IMO IMHO after everything we post? Lighten up.
  22. Indeed it is impressive, but as was said before 'LOSER'. Why bother? Impressive skills, but I find gapping 5 foot rail-to-rail more impressive :(
  23. Direct link to those that hate streaming (thanks to those who taught me the trick!) Right Clickwww.spikedhumor.com/media/118/bicyclewreck.wmv
  24. Yeah not the most accurate punches were they lol... Still, amusing none the less. Has anyone seen the one where the two chinese (?) cyclists on a tour-de-france style ride fight each other? That is really funny :( Saw it a while ago off Kazaa I think, it's comedy though!
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