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Everything posted by MadManMike

  1. f**king LOL... what a random topic, funny nonetheless
  2. Same here, 4 x 300 watt :shifty: They must hate me... my mate said he's getting 400 watt ones to overpower me blah blah blah, but they already pierce my eardrums at half volume! hehe
  3. These? http://images.google.co.uk/images?q=tbn:ET...00-web-frnt.jpg
  4. I know the ones you mean, they are about £300 a pair I think?
  5. If you only have around £60 to spend, you'll only get nasty ones unless you are lucky. Decent speakers aren't cheap mate. You might catch a bargain on eBay but be careful. Cheap speakers are usually cheap for a reason.
  6. Sorry, didn't read the budget bit... The system I just said about cost me £400... Yeah you could get a good 2.1 system for £60! Oh and I know people will say big powerful speakers aren't as clear, but that's balls. My speakers sound awesome and they pound!
  7. I can't really advise on 5.1 systems. I have a 4 channel technics amp with 4 300 Watt Soundlab speakers, and it sounds awesome. I watched Eastenders last night with them on and it sounds sweet :shifty: I'd advise everyone to take the power route rather than small stylish speakers.
  8. Anyone downloaded Google Earth? I'll let you all do your own research :shifty: What do you all think of it? cool eh?
  9. Sounds like a quality shop....not. What a con! I'd tell 'em to poke their grips hehe
  10. My laptop was £950 or more from all the shops (Or one with same spec). Went on eBay and got it for £550. Bring on the bargains! Also just bought earphones from eBay, rrp £29.99 - I paid £6.50 inc delivery (N) :P :lol:
  11. It's amazing, but yeah i'd rather have social skills (Y)
  12. Don't quite know what you mean about Dreaweaver. With regards to getting it online, you can pay for hosting or use your ISP space. For example, with Wanadoo or BT or whoever you get a certain amount of webspace included in your surf deal. Instructions for uploading pages will be on the relevant site EG www.bt.com If you want a decent address like trials-forum.co.uk you need to go to 123reg.com and pay for one. If you want a free, not so good one like trials-forum.tk go to www.dot.tk and sign up for one, it has instructions. If all else fails and you want more info, PM ME and i'll be happy to help.
  13. Ditto. In the other countries I don't see it so much, but when it's on my doorstep and it's advertised everywhere it brings it home and it hits harder. A car bomb in Iraq gets 3 minutes coverage then it's forgotten. This was on all day, everyone was talking about it, there were pictures, videos and other material to make me keep thinking about it. That's why i've made more fuss this time. RIP to everyone.
  14. People haven't blamed Islam as a whole, they blamed Al Qaeda. It's not racism. How dare we say terrorists did it? For god's sake, why do people get so stroppy? It's not like somebody said every Muslim wanted to bomb London is it. If we insult Chav's are we insulting Britain as a whole? No. In a time like this, people will accused anyway, it's human nature to place blame on someone.
  15. I wouldn't vote for him to do a paper round let alone run the country... America might like him, it would make Bush look clever and good at running a country (Y)
  16. Then why act like a f**king gimp on here? Grow up. You can get attention through helpful friendly posts, you don't need to act like a twat for people to talk to you.
  17. Well I'm on your list am I? That is a shame. Annoy me as much as you like, I already find you sad, immature and I think you are an attention seeking idiot. Besides, if you annoyed me that much i'd just hit ignore. I laugh every time I read your posts, because you are constantly trying to get one up on everyone, when you really always fail. I guess i'll just have to wait for a torrent of come backs from you now, all of which i'll more than likely laugh at then ignore. Peon.
  18. To me that statement about God makes them sound like they should be in a mental institute. The fact they did this proves the aforementioned. These brainwashed idiots should be erased from existence. The sad fact is, no matter how much "security" there is, if they want to carry out more attacks, there isn't much to stop them. How many times have you walked around London with a backpack on and been searched? Exactly, the reality is anyone could have a bomb in their rucksack.
  19. Monkey, can't you give it a rest for two minutes? It's a memorial thread for christ sake. RIP to everyone, let's hope these evil bastards pay for everything they've done. Not just London, but the Twin towers and every car bomb and suicide attack they've carried out anywhere. Any death is a great loss, whether it's British, Iraqi, American or any other nationality. My thoughts go out to every victim, and I'm just thankful that i've never been involved in such a tragedy.
  20. No? If I really wanted to argue I could, but I find it quite immature, and ultimately pointless. It's gets me nowhere so I don't do it.
  21. Thanks for the invite, but i'll decline your offer to argue. I was merely stating that there is no need to get uptight about it.
  22. Don't start Monkey. I flamed because he made a joke about it when it isn't funny. Flaming about who did it is pointless. And if you think you can argue with me you are wrong. I won't go down to your sad level.
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