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Everything posted by MadManMike

  1. I have an ELM 327 interface and an app for my phone, works well for fault finding. Haven't had to use it for a few years though, since I had the Eunos and now the Tiger...
  2. I had the same with Three. Something like £40 a month for the same phone etc, I found a deal that was £24, called them up to cancel and they said "Oh you should have asked us for a deal"... Offer me the deal ffs, I shouldn't have to call and haggle with you.
  3. +1 for Dr Jambu Jain and their general excellence, though being in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh is not the most convenient location for me. Quite a long flight.
  4. The Circus has been in power for years already, we need someone else to have a go now.
  5. Needs NSFW tags on that That colour is stunning and the tan walls complete it, what a beast. I really do need to dust mine off and head for the hills at some point!
  6. I've always wanted to be more confident through berms, my brain tells me to anchor on and slow right down, which always kills the flow completely. Seeing people rip through them like that is mind blowing, because I always feel like I'm losing grip at about 10% of that guys speed!
  7. Quick wash gang - 1 hr 18 mins here. We do all our washing on that, seems to do the job.
  8. Rust. Everyone says it and it's true, they rot, badly. It seems mk2.5's are the worst for it, but they all rust around the sills and generally underneath. The mk4 came out in 2015 and I know of one that had rust advisories on its first MOT! From personal experience, when I buy another one, I'll check: 1) Is it rusty. If you can see rust on the sills, it's much worse than it appears, as they rust from the inside out. Usually due to blocked drain holes behind the seats. Many owners don't know about these drain holes and they fill up with leaves and crap over the years, collecting water and then rotting the sills. Ideally you want one that's been cleaned out frequently and garaged, or one that's just been properly repaired. 2) Is there blue smoke on start-up, or when driving - get someone to follow you on a test drive. I may have been unlucky, but my Eunos ended up having three different engines, all of which were 1.6's and they drank a lot of oil. The first did most of the miles, the next two were just lemons. 3) Brake calipers are prone to seizing - especially the rear, when people leave the handbrake on. Check the discs to see if they've been used lately, if they're rusty, there's a good chance the rear brakes aren't doing much. When I got mine, both rears were seized - I assumed they were just crap old brakes, but closer inspection showed I was driving with just front brakes 4) Low mileage doesn't necessarily mean good car. See point 1. A car with 40k on can be more rusty than one with 120k on. Things to do when you buy one: fit a roll bar, or at least a cabin brace, they make a big difference to stiffness. If standard, replace the exhaust. They're very quiet as standard and a decent manifold and exhaust system isn't mega money - if it's age appropriate, a de-cat pipe will give small performance gains too (Plus it sounds nice imo!). Adjustable coilovers make a massive difference too, though it's certainly not bad handling on the standard suspension. Oh and if you get a mk1 with the speakers in the seats, take them out, cut circular holes in the foam and fit new round speakers - they sound much better. I can't remember the exact size to use, but a search on Google will reveal that. All in all, you can't really beat them for smiles-per-gallon - they've relatively cheap to buy, fuel economy not too bad and just great fun. I know mine had a reputation for being unreliable, but in reality it did 260k, three Euro trips and several track days. It would still be in my garage now if the rust hadn't finished it off. Most days I consider selling the Tiger and buying another one, next summer maybe!
  9. Yeah for the most part it's just an industrial area. Plenty of great food and drink in Bristol, but that's really not a "going out" kinda place. Did you get to check out other areas or did you just stay local?
  10. Of all places in England and even Bristol, why Avonmouth?
  11. LOL seriously? I mean it does make sense, but I'd feel so weird wearing a fake pair of tits for feeding Yeah we're definitely getting into the swing of it and learning little tricks that help (Or should I go social media and call them "life hacks"?). His record so far is 4 hours, but to be fair a newborn shouldn't be having long sleeps anyway, so I'm not sure 4 hours was a particularly good thing for him. Yeah we're getting loads of photos too, several a day. I'm going to start filming him with my dslr too, so we have nice quality video to look back on in years to come. People always said it's the hardest thing you'll ever do but also the most rewarding - I never understood until now. It really is both of those things.
  12. I work from home, so it'll be a lot more than 2 hours - I'll push really hard for customer visits I think Today has been easier, I think we're getting into the swing of it more now, plus I managed a few more hours sleep which helped a lot.
  13. I'm not sure I agree with "real easy", but I definitely agree that mums have the worst of it! I've always fancied a pair of norks, but even more so now - for practical reasons of course. Those shotgun seats look cool, but I'd have to get my bike off the garage wall, service it and actually ride it... Maybe one day
  14. I took it for granted. We got home at 2pm today, after a few days of delays - mostly minor stuff, but frustrating. I'm now doing the work of a whole team of midwives and honestly it's a bit much. I'm struggling today. He's slightly underweight, so feeding is constant. Bottle, breast and express. We're lucky if he goes down for 10 minutes, it's nuts. I feel for Sheryl, she's had this the whole week - I've been lucky and evicted from hospital at 8pm, now I see what she's been through and it's total chaos.
  15. This happened. We were awake for 40 hours which totally destroyed me, so I can only imagine what Sheryl went through. Almost everything that could go wrong, did, but she soldiered through and handled it all amazingly. The wee man is incredible and my mind is honestly blown. I never wanted kids when I was younger and even recently I've had a lot of doubts, but the moment he was handed to me it all changed. They have one more night in hospital so I'm sat here with a rum & coke, gathering my thoughts and listening to music. It's all so surreal!
  16. What does Trials' even mean? What does the ' do in that position? Just go with what the media usually call trial riders - Super BMX Stunts
  17. "Miss" was probably the wrong word. I meant when there's a gap. For example, you get paid on the 17th, leave your job and then have to work a full month before getting paid again. Some people can't afford to bridge that gap. Personally I support strikes, I know they're a pain for other people, but if they weren't, they wouldn't work. Just because other people are in a worse position, doesn't mean you can't fight for better conditions. As craigjames said, it's not always easy to jump ship and find a better job if you're in a specialist role.
  18. You normally miss a month when you change jobs, at least I have done in the past. And why shouldn't people ask for more money? Cost of living has increased massively, company profits are also soaring - time to share the wealth a bit, no?
  19. They're nuts aren't they! I'm quicker on a hardtail, but my wrists tend to hurt much quicker. I did enjoy the Cannondale, but building up the Dartmoor was fun and it's a more rewarding ride as you get chucked around a lot more. That said, I've not hit a trail in about a year, I really need to get off my arse and ride again.
  20. @Wrayvon was right, the cover is just screwed on (Though I see your 5 screws and raise you to 14!). It became apparent immediately that the cable had snapped. Easy fix, I've ordered the cable already. Also spotted that I don't have a stop fitted, so I've dug out a decent size bolt I can use - ordered some square washers for either side. No wonder the cable snapped!
  21. I only just spotted this, haha I wish there was fuel saving options - even on a gentle cruise I'm getting less than 20mpg I would say. If you're spirited, you can watch the fuel gauge go down while you drive!
  22. I have the same panel in mine, but I suspect it's riveted on (As everything seems to be on this car lol). Fingers crossed it's just screws, I'm gonna have a look at lunch.
  23. Yeah I posted in a couple of kit car groups and everyone said the same thing - they go fairly often. I haven't had a chance to take a look yet, but I suspect mine doesn't have a stop, the noise it made sounded like it hitting the floor anyway. Once it drops below 30c in the garage I'll get upside down and have a peek
  24. Throttle cable snapped this evening, thankfully on the motorway junction just before my village. A mate towed me with his MX-5. Pain in the arse, but a funny memory to look back on with all the little bits that happened.
  25. Cheers Tom, I had to be selective with my photography based on what I could hear coming - some needed the camera putting down and fingers in ears, those early F1's for example Epic noise, but I think I'll take ear plugs next time.
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