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Everything posted by MadManMike

  1. This post got me thinking about Trials Forum from back in the day... When I joined, lots of people were wondering what to do when they leave college. These days we're talking about kids going to college and how our joints ache. Mad how long this place has been around really
  2. I make an effort to be a bit more positive these days, but it's hard to disagree with you here.
  3. Another courier related scam is where they say they'll send a courier who will give you cash. They'll then follow up with you needing to pay insurance before the courier arrives, but they will cover it - for example if you're selling something for £5000, they say they will give you £5200 cash if you can pay the £200 insurance up front. Of course, no courier ever arrives and you've just given away £200.
  4. Just post the spam link and get banned, no point dragging it out 😂
  5. lol, I looked at it and thought "holy shit! $100! how on earth is it that cheap?!" Then noticed it's actually $2k. I wouldn't want a throttle version, so it'll be interesting to see what the pedal assist version costs - probably the same I'd imagine.
  6. MadManMike


    Most festivals have a Facebook group associated with them and you often see solo folk posting, so maybe you could meet a couple of other like-minded solos and make new friends there?
  7. I hate it when the bike doesn't fit the frame 😂 I thought that first message looked spammy, interesting spam bot technique to come back and update with a link.
  8. It's baffling isn't it. If a bloke pulls up in a van and moves one of them out of the way I'm sure he'd end up arrested for assault too.
  9. That's not true, they've caused loads of traffic jams on the M25 and in central London, resulting in increased emissions.
  10. I don't think many would disagree that pollution is bad, but they way these people are highlighting it isn't doing the cause any favours. If you want to get people behind you, you need to appeal to them, rather than piss them off.
  11. Called BMW Assist this morning at 8am to get roadside assistance... It's now 15:36 and they still haven't been. Luckily it was only a couple of minutes from my house so I've been at home all day, but they don't know that. Great service.
  12. Finished fitting the shifter rebuild kit today, so at 10:30pm I decided that picking up cat food was very urgent. Gotta love a good roof down blast at night, especially with the refreshed gear change - really precise now. Great to be back in a 5.
  13. Yeah that's what made me buy it to be honest, the money I would have spent on mods can be spent on getting the underside welded and treated. It drives well, far more planted than Red was. Nice mk4, I was tempted to put my money down as a deposit on a mk4 but couldn't really justify the monthly costs at this stage. I think my next one will be a mk4 though, maybe in a couple of years. Are you planning to daily it or will it become a track toy?
  14. Here's my latest mobile rust machine - a 2004 MX-5 mk2.5, SVT 1.8 6 speed. Fairly high mileage, quite rusty underneath, lots of stone chips / poor paint, but it does have MeisterR coilies, Rota wheels and a nice exhaust. I've changed the door speakers and fitted my stereo, still a few little bits to do but it's mostly good to go... just need to book a trackday now
  15. Picked up another MX-5 today It needs a good clean inside and out, but it's pretty tidy for a mk2.5 - there is some rust to sort, but nowhere near as bad as most 2.5's. Ordered a stereo surround and some speakers for it just now, since it has the standard kit at the moment. MeisterR suspension, Rota Grid wheels, Cobalt exhaust, decent intake, turbo-ready clutch (Not that I'm planning to turbo it, but it's a good clutch). Proper unveiling once I've given it a good clean...
  16. So, the Tiger went today. Advertised it yesterday with proper pics and the first viewer bought it, chuffed with that as I thought it might be a pain to sell. Looking at MX-5's again and wow, the market has gone mad since I left! I scrapped red in 2020 and there's cars in worse condition going for £1,500 now - wtf?! I thought the money from the Tiger would buy me a car, some wheels, an exhaust, coilovers and maybe a fresh set of rubber... apparently it'll get me a rusty car and that's it.
  17. Haha, I hadn't considered that! I definitely don't want to look like a waiter and thankfully we found Freddie Hatchet tonight, a hire place that seemingly has every size imaginable and they're a reasonable price too, so the suit plan may be back on (She's not really a fan of the braces idea, thinks her dad is too old for that look and my larger buddies might be self conscious, which is fair). The venue is just outside Bristol, it was the only place we could find that was flexible in terms of catering and we didn't need a massive place. It's a nice place and very low cost because it's DIY, you source your own catering, waiting staff etc. We've hired a pizza truck, they make them in the back of a Landy and bring them in on platters and you help yourself to what you want, more our bag than a sit down meal.
  18. Yeah I agree and I think it would have been jackets off straight after the ceremony and photos, so probably not really worth it anyway. A light shirt will be far more comfortable. I've got a real mix of sizes at mine, fairly short and skinny guys up to someone who's pretty much my height but quite a bit bigger. It also doesn't help that we have quite a specific colour scheme, so if it wasn't already hard to find the sizes, it's even harder in a specific colour. I suspect when my partner takes a look and realises I'm not exaggerating, the colour scheme might change a little Fair point about dehydration too, I can't imagine I'll be drinking much water on the day...
  19. Well we were looking at buying, since you can hire for £125 or buy for about £175... makes sense to pay a bit extra and everyone has a suit to keep after the wedding. We've found a place that will make trousers to whatever size you like for about £90 a pair, so I think we're going to do that and then just white shirts and braces. It's in August, so in theory should be too hot for jackets anyway. I'll probably have a waistcoat just to look that slight bit more pimp than the others. I looked at doing mix & match as you suggested and the problem is stock levels - you find something nice and it's only in two sizes, so the shop either doesn't do a wide enough range or they do but they have no stock. Pro-tip: if you're getting married, only make friends with people the same size as you.
  20. Not "angry" as such, but fook me, wedding suit shopping is literally impossible. You either need a party of big & tall, or a party of short & skinny. Abandoning the idea of suits now, since I've trawled three cities and every website. At least I think I have, feel free to rescue me.
  21. We're not in a position to do that at the moment, but it's definitely something I'd like to do in the future. If by some miracle energy prices dip a bit, I'd probably look to stick more in. I also need to look at upping my pension contributions. Adult life eh?
  22. Our latest mortgage offer is good, we'll be paying just £30 extra a month. The initial scare was £500-600 a month, then the offer came in at £80, now it's £30. Lucky, as Sheryl is on maternity still and I'm covering all the bills - £500-600 would have been impossible. And yeah, eye-watering - for every £1 we borrow, we pay back £2.09
  23. I wish! Ours is nearly £1300 a month and with energy prices as they are, no chance of overpayments... at the moment anyway.
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